In memory of

Wah Po Yip 葉華瀑先生

February 10, 1932 -  July 20, 2024

In loving memory


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David Lewis (Friend)

Entered July 23, 2024 from Orangeville

Goodbye Mr.Yip, I have many fond memories and you will definitely be missed.

Richard Ng (ex-Father-In-Law)

Entered July 25, 2024 from Toronto

I can not remember a time from the first I met you more than twenty-five years ago that you did not have a smile on your face. Whether it was simply washing the dinner dishes or mulling around in your vast garden you always wore that smile. I'm sure that life was never always easy for you but all I can remember seeing was a hard working man that provided a better life for his Family. My fond memories of you never fade until the day I too close my eyes.

Rest in Peace Gong Gong

Life Stories 

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Cindy Yip (Youngest Daughter)

Entered July 29, 2024 from London, Ontario

Wah Po Yip was my 92 year old Father, he was married to Kit Sum, my Mother for 58 years, had 3 adult children: Edward, Sandra and me: Cindy, a Grandfather to my nephew Matthew and my niece Elizabeth, an Uncle, a Friend to many and a Restauranteur. He and my Mom were known as Bob and Lisa at The Jade Leaf Restaurant and Grand Gardens in Delhi, Ontario and to my American relatives.

He was a hardworking Chinese immigrant who came to Canada in the mid 1950's and worked in many Chinese restaurants and different jobs to save money for his future. He would later marry my Mom a decade later in Hong Kong and start a family together back in Canada.

After retirement from the restaurant in the late 1980's, he was passionate about horse racing, the stock market, the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Blue Jays, the Raptors and his beloved garden. He was quite proud of his abundance of winter melons, tomatoes, beans, garlic, etc that he happily shared with others.

Our Father was a devoted, honest and kind hearted man. He made friends with other Chinese people when he came to Canada while working in the Chinese restaurants and throughout his life. He loved to joke around, had a good sense of humour and people remembered his smile and laughter. He had so much passion and energy especially with Christmas dinner until he couldn't in 2016. Even with the Pandemic, I still had visits with him. In the last 7 months, he got to have Christmas at home with family, a short hospital visit in February before moving to a nursing home for the last 3 months. He was a lucky man to be surrounded by family and wonderful staff who cared for him.

Goodbye Dad until we meet again

John Erb (Cindy Yip's Partner)

Entered August 1, 2024 from London

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr Yip for over 12 years. He was a generous, dedicated man with a quick wit and a wry smile. He helped his wife create a wonderful life for their children and grandchildren.

He worked hard to overcome the challenges of being a Chinese immigrant to Canada. Through smart investments and wise business decisions he was able to retire early and enjoy many years at his favorite activities.
His skills both in the garden and in the kitchen were nothing short of amazing.
I am honored to have known him.
He will be greatly missed and well remembered


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