In memory of

Vartuhi Elisabeta Atamian

January 19, 1933 -  October 19, 2018

Pentru toti cei ce au avut bucuria de a o insoti pe drumul lung si nu tocmai usor al vietii, doamna Vartuhi Elisabeta Atamian a fost si va continua sa fie o adevarata calauza. Mama, bunica, prietena, reper de moralitate, intelepciune, iubire si credinta. Ica pentru cei apropiati ei, Varto pentru cei ce isi trag seva din maretia aspra a muntelui Ararat, ramane asemenea unei picturi clasice contrastand prin fermitatea trasaturilor ei spirituale si morale cu imaginile adesea neclare, pe care manierismul impresionist al vietii cotidiene le schiteaza grabit. Doamna Elisabeta Atamian a petrecut ultima perioada a vietii in Toronto, alaturi de copii si de nepoti, fiind pana in ultima clipa adevaratul pilon pe care intreaga familie se sprijinea.

In toti acesti ani, credinta ei nestramutata in Dumnezeu a facut-o sa se alature in rugaciune enoriasilor parohiei bisericii ortodoxe romane "Sfantul Ioan Evanghelistul" din Toronto. Cu varsta si datorita conditiilor de sanatate, participarea la slujbele religioase devenise aproape singurul prilej de a parasi locuinta. Bucuria pe care o simtea intrand in casa Domnului ii era insa mereu insotita de neimplinirea unei dorinte puternice: Aceea ca biserica in care se ruga sa aiba un lacas propriu si nu o cladire de imprumut, cu infatisare - interioara mai ales - straina de traditiile religiei ortodoxe. De cate ori a avut posibilitatea, doamna Elisabeta Atamian a contribuit la efortul parohiei de a obtine un astfel de lacas.


In ultimele ei conversatii purtate cu cei dragi, una din dorintele ei staruitor exprimate a fost ca cei ce vor veni sa isi ia ramas bun, sa inlocuiasca frumusetea efemera a florilor cu frumusetea ziditoare si nepieritoare a unui gest - cat de modest - de contributie la implinirea acestei dorinte personale.

Donatiile dumneavoastra pot fi facute online pe site-ul:; pe pagina principala a site-ului selectati : "Donatii sau plati prin PayPal", sau "Donatii prin GoFundMe".

Pentru alte modalitati de donatie, puteti de asemeni contacta membrii de familie in timpul vizitei dumneavoastra la casa funerara.


For all who have had the fortune of accompanying her on her long—albeit not always easy—journey in life, Vartuhi Elisabeta Atamian has been, and will continue to be, a true North Star. Mother, grandmother, friend. Champion of morality, wisdom, love and faith. Ica to those closest to her; Varto to those who draw their namesake from the great rigor of Mount Ararat. Like a classic work of art, she is the harmonious portrait of firm unwavering spirituality, juxtaposed with appreciation for the fleeting beauty of everyday life. Elisabeta Atamian spent the final period of her life in Toronto, alongside her children and grandchildren, being a true pillar from which the entire family drew its strength.

In all these years, her unfaltering faith in God allowed her to join in prayer the parishioners of St. John the Evangelist Romanian Orthodox Church in Toronto. Considering her age and health conditions, attending religious services had become one of her only opportunities to leave home; nevertheless, the joy she felt being in the Lord's house was always accompanied by the weight of an unfulfilled dream of hers: that the church in which she prayed have and be its own proper place, one that would feel like a true Orthodox Christian house of worship, inside and out. Whenever possible, Elisabeta Atamian contributed to the parish's effort to bring such a place to fruition.


In speaking with her loved ones, one of her ultimate wishes was that those who came to pay their respects would, in lieu of the ephemeral offering of flowers, make an everlasting contribution—no matter how modest—to fulfilling her personal dream.

Your donations can be made online at:; On the home page please select either "Donations or Payments through PayPal" or "Donations through GoFundMe".

For other ways to donate, you may also contact family members during your visit to the funeral home.


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