In memory of

Soekotjo Santoso

May 4, 1944 -  October 13, 2023

Antonius Soekotjo Santoso (So Kok Tjiang) sadly passed away on October 13, 2023 after a short courageous battle with lymphoma cancer. Born on May 4th, 1944, he grew up with his grandparents because his mother passed away when he was just 4 days old. He had a passion for many things, his work, his family, his many talents and food. He sang and danced well, and he played a lot of musical instruments without official training. He met Sisca, got married in 1967, and had three children. Silvi, Devy and Stevy. Anton was a gentle and kind-hearted father - he never used harsh words with his children. He brought joy and laughter everywhere he went and readily helped others. He was also a wonderful husband. His wife and children will miss him dearly.

"A father like you is rare, one that's so generous, smart and kind. A father like you is what everyone needs, full of smiles, jokes, and laughter, always doing great deeds. Nothing can replace a father like you, but when you get to heaven God will be lucky to have you too."

Anton is survived by his wife, three children and his six grandchildren. A service will be held for Anton at 10 a.m. on October 20, 2023 at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 2234 Ellesmere Road in Scarborough. Anyone is welcome to pay their respects.

I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7)


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Tomas Didi (Friend)

Entered October 17, 2023 from Mississauga

To Silvi and family, our hearts go out to you and your family. Rest in peace, oom Kotjo.

Lissy & family (Im Law Family)

Entered October 17, 2023 from Scarborough

There were so many sweet memories of him, he was calling us with different hilarious name whatever he liked, he was the only person called my name "Lissy" with "Sy" not like everybody usually calling me with "Liss".
He called my daughter "Maria Untu" (oldest Indonesian artist) and he also greeted my grandson with "hello Philipino".
Ko Tjang, you'll be missed forever !! you always stay in our heart...

Jusni & Cecilia (Family friends)

Entered October 17, 2023 from Toronto

Dear Ci Sisca, Silvi, Devy and Stefy, and all the grandchildren, our condolences again. Knowing Ko Kotjo since you all landed in Canada, Silvi even before her arrival, we are pretty sure your beloved husband, father, grandpa has already a reserved space in heaven. May his final journey to there be a smooth one and when he is besides the Lord, he will pray for all of us still on Earth. Amen.

Jusni and Cecilia

Jeffrey Susilo (Friend of Bible Study Group)

Entered October 18, 2023 from Toronto

Om Sukotjo was a very special person. Always entertain us with his guitar and singing. His motto in life was to make everyone happy. Serving God by doing Eucharist Ministry and Music Ministry was his passion. May you rest in peace Om.... God called you home so that you no longer have to suffer. This is not a goodbye but rather, see you later.


Entered October 19, 2023 from Victoria

yani kenal om kotjo dan kel sejak kecil. orgnya ramah dan selalu tersenyum. Tak banyak kenangan wkt yani kecil dengan om kotjo kecuali selalu lht dia di gereja sebagai pembantu liturgi.setelah beberapa thn tidak pernah bertemu lagi sampai kita ditemukan lagi di Toronto . Seperti dapat pengganti ayah yg mana lbh ramah senyum dan candanya .Dan kita selalu pergi sama2x dng tnt shopping atau. belanja . i will miss u om


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