In memory of
Siu Chun Jenny Yeung 楊馬少珍夫人
August 11, 1935 -
June 5, 2024
Jenny Siu Chun Yeung, aged 88, is our beloved mother and grandmother. She passed peacefully surrounded by her family and abundant love.
At a very young age, Jenny embarked on a solo journey to Hong Kong, seeking employment to support both herself and her family in China. Despite her limited education and skills, Jenny flourished in her job due to her diligent work ethic and aptitude for learning. Before long, Jenny met the love of her life, Peter, with whom she shared almost 60 years of their lives together. The two started a lovely family and a thriving business on their own.
Jenny dedicated her life to the success of her family. She would walk 2 hours every day to her kids’ school to ensure they can enjoy a homemade hot lunch. At home, Jenny was a teacher, a chef, a caregiver, a loving mother and wife. She was always the last one to sleep after making sure that everyone was nicely settled into their beds. Jenny was the backbone of her family.
Jenny was a person with tremendous courage and intelligence. In the early 80s, Jenny left behind her prosperous life in Hong Kong, opting for the promise of a brighter future for her children in Canada. This endeavour proved to be harder than expected. Jenny found herself navigating a new culture, learning a new language, discovering Western cuisine, and managing a restaurant business, all at the same time. Throughout these challenges, she never complained and maintained a positive attitude in front of her family.
In the past two decades, Jenny became a valuable member of the Yee Hong community where she forged a lot of new friendships with her exceptional social skills. She is well known and respected in the community.
Jenny is survived by her daughter (Shirley), two sons (Jimmy and Michael), and six grandchildren (Emily, Marian, Kyle, Ella, Cadence and Nicholas). Jenny served as an exemplary role model for her children, demonstrating resilience and positivity in the face of adversity. She was also a devoted wife and has now reunited with Peter. Jenny will be greatly missed by those she left behind.
楊馬少珍 (楊太),88歲,是我們敬愛的母親和祖母。她在至愛的家人陪伴下安詳地去世了。
楊太很小的時候就開始了獨自前往香港的旅程,找尋工作來養活自己和在中國的家人。儘管楊太的教育程度和技能有限,但由於她勤奮和學習能力,她在工作中表現出色。不久之後,楊太遇到了她一生的摯愛楊生,兩人共同度過了近 60 年的生活。兩人共同建立了一個幸福的家庭和蓬勃發展的事業。
楊太將自己的一生奉獻, 帮助丈夫, 共同建立一個成功和充滿愛的家。每天她都會步行兩個小時去孩子們的學校,以確保他們能夠享用自製的熱午餐。在家裡,楊太是一名教師、廚師、護理員、慈愛的母親和妻子。在確保每個人都很好地安頓在睡床上後,她總是最後一個睡覺。楊太是她家庭的支柱。
楊太身後留下了她的女兒(瑞華)、兩個兒子(偉雄 和 偉強)和 六個孫子(詠恩、家恩、文熙、巧怡、詩韻 和 文豐)。楊太為她的孩子樹立了榜樣,在逆境中表現出堅韌和積極的態度。她也是一位忠誠的妻子,現在已經與丈夫楊生團聚了。楊太將被她留下的人們深深懷念。