In memory of

Shuang Qin (秦双)

February 19, 1966 -  August 3, 2022

我们极其痛心地宣布:秦双(Sherry)于 2022 年 8 月 3 日晨 10 时,在多伦多病逝。弥留之际,长女庞海凌、小女儿庞菲娜、丈夫庞一凡在侧。每个人诉说了心里话,告知她今后会好好生活;贴她脸,吻她面。她闭合的眼睛滴出了泪水。遂后安息。这泪水是留在人间难舍的爱。

秦双于 1966 年 2 月 19 日出生于中国龙口。1991 年冬,她赴多伦多与丈夫团聚。从此,生活在多伦多。

她是贤妻。在家 32 年的婚姻生活里,她深爱和照顾丈夫。数十年如一日。她是慈母。她给女儿的母爱、照顾、牵挂,无处不在,无时不在。她是娘家亲人的爱护人。她爱和牵挂每位亲人。她急人之所急,帮人之所需。一生如此。她尽力照顾了在自己家住的公公婆婆。她善良和乐于助人。关心她的朋友。她性格开朗乐观,待人热情似火。音容笑貌受人喜爱。她爱美,爱花、爱草、爱树。她就是一朵美丽的花,吐尽了芳华。

她走了。去了天堂。但是她一定回来看望所有她爱的人。在春暧花开的时候,在百花盛开的夏天,在萧瑟的秋风中。她是花神。只要有花开, 她就在花中微笑......





女儿: 海凌、菲娜


We are heartbroken to announce that Shuang Qin (Sherry) passed away on August 3rd, 2022 at 10:00 am in Toronto. She passed away with her husband and two daughters by her side. Each person expressed their heartfelt thoughts, touched her face, kissed her cheek and wished for her to be at peace. Despite being unconscious, a few tears trickled down her cheeks. Soon after, she passed. Her tears remain with us and represent her undying love.

Shuang Qin was born on February 19th, 1966 in Longkou, China. In 1991, she moved to Toronto, Canada to be with her husband and she remained in Toronto from then on.

She was a caring and thoughtful wife to her husband of 32 years. Decades passed like days. She was a loving mother, giving her two daughters unlimited love and care. She was always there for them no matter when or where. She protected and looked after her maiden family. She loved and cared for every family member, always treating their matters as her own. She helped others wherever she could. She looked after her father and mother-in-law while they resided with her. She had a heart of gold and loved helping others. She cared a lot about her friends. She was cheerful and optimistic and treated everyone with such warmth and passion. Her beauty and smile were loved by everyone. She loved to dress up and she loved flowers and nature. She resembled a beautiful flower, glowing with elegance.

She’s gone to heaven now, but she will surely come back to visit her loved ones. When flowers are blooming in the warm spring and summer, when the cool wind rustles the trees in the fall. She is a flower goddess – as long as there are flowers blooming, she will be amongst the flowers smiling.

Her love and presence will never wither. She will be in all of her loved ones’ hearts, forever blossoming.

You are the world’s greatest mother.

You are the world’s most beautiful person.

Rest in peace.

Daughters: Hellen Pang, Fina Pang
Husband: Yifan Pang


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nina ho 賀孝莊 (alan's cousin)

Entered August 9, 2022 from san diego, california

秦双走好. 可惜没机会和你見面. 会想念你的.

Jiangshan Tian (义子)

Entered August 9, 2022 from 832 Bay st


宋佳 (义妹)

Entered August 10, 2022 from Irvine , California


Ronald (Family Friend)

Entered August 10, 2022 from Toronto


Matt Ting 

Entered August 11, 2022 from Toronto

阿姨, I will always cherish the love and care you showed me. I have truly never met a more generous and selfless person. It's clear you had a great impact on everyone around you and that you made the world a more beautiful place.


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