In memory of

Sebastian Issawi

January 13, 1980 -  July 6, 2023

Our Son & Brother
You gave no one a last farewell
Nor ever said good bye
you were gone before we knew it
and only God knows why
a million times we will miss you
a million times we will cry
in our hearts you hold a place
No one else can ever fill
it broke our hearts to lose you
but you did not go alone
for part of us went with you
the day God took you home


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Seema Varma (Colleague and Friend)

Entered July 12, 2023 from Toronto

Dear Kevin, Sylvie, and Family,

I am devastated for your loss and the pain you are feeling. I wish there was something I could do or say to help. I hope that you will hold all the wonderful, loving memories you have of Sebastian tightly and you will find strength in the happy times you have shared together. Sebastian was a lovely young man and will be remembered fondly! ~Seema

Hisham Issawi (Cousin)

Entered July 12, 2023 from Brampton

May your soul rest in peace. Condolence to the families
Gone but never forgotten

Solmaz Akbarihamed (Colleague and Friend)

Entered July 12, 2023 from Toronto

Dear Kevin & Sylvie,
There are no words to explain the sorrow and pain you’re feeling, and I know words seem meaningless after the loss of Sebastian, He was wonderful man and we will remember him always. He will forever be in our heart. My sincere condolences are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Norman Brian McGee (collegue)

Entered July 12, 2023 from 757 Victoria Park, Toronto, ON M4C 5N8

May you rest and peace.

God bless your family and friend that will sadly miss you

Sathya Vethanayagam (co-worker)

Entered July 12, 2023 from Del Head office

Sincere condolences and deepest sympathies to Sebastian's family. May god provide strength in this difficult time.


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