In memory of

Reynold Ramharry

March 29, 2024

Reynold (Bla) Ramharry, 76, of Scarborough, Ontario, passed away peacefully at home with family on Good Friday - March 29, 2024.

He was born on May 1947, in Lengua Village, Trinidad to Bhagirath and Sumintra Ramharry. He was brother to Florence, Pearl, Winston, Dennis, Merle, Carl, and Alvin Ramharry.

Reynold was a certified Machinist and was employed at Usine – St. Madeline and Fed Chem in Trinidad and Tobago. When he immigrated to Canada he was employed at Canada Machinery Corp, Massey Ferguson, and The City of Toronto.

In 1975 Reynold met his wife Jane in Scarborough, Ontario and was married in 1976, they had two sons, Jason, and Christopher. Reynold was a wonderful and devoted father and husband. He always taught us to walk with God, stand tall, be proud, and know ourselves in all situations. He supported us all throughout our accomplishments and difficulties in our lives. He was kind, caring and quickly developed a special loving relationship with people he met, and everyone affectionately called him Bla.

He loved watching his favorite Toronto sports teams with Jane. He was an avid fisherman, and loved taking care of his zodiac boat, fishing poles, and planning his fishing trips. Reynold loved his neighborhood Apsco Avenue.

Reynold is survived by his wife, Jane; his children, Jason, and Christopher; his daughter-in law (Jason’s wife) Leanne and his grandchildren Simon and Lucas.

The livestream service will begin and appear on this webpage at 9:45am on Saturday, April 6th, 2024.


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Eddy Ramlochan (Friend)

Entered April 2, 2024 from Georgia, USA

Good friend, we grew up together. Will miss him greatly!

Buela & Buzz Mohamed (Friend of the family)

Entered April 2, 2024 from Scarborough, Ont

It was a pleasure knowing Bla through Winston.

May his soul R. I. P.

Elsie Lochan (Cousin)

Entered April 2, 2024 from Trinidad

My Deepest condolences to tbe family, May God grant you peace and comfort during this trying time, he is safe in the arms of Jesus.

Kevin Chau 

Entered April 2, 2024 from Mississauga

I met Mr.Ramharry as a young wide-eyed kid through his son Jason.

Mr.Ramharry was always so welcoming to me in his home and would speak at lengths about being a kind person, and caring for others; traits that he has definitely passed onto his entire family.

He will be greatly missed and fondly remembered, and I can’t thank him enough for raising a role-model like Jason who has served as a constant positive presence in my life.


Ramlochan's family (Neighbour /close friend)

Entered April 2, 2024 from 1279 Papourie Road Lengua Trinidad

May The Good God Grant Onto Him Eternald Rest


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