In memory of

Radu Marius Rucareanu

April 11, 1959 -  February 21, 2024

It is with indescribable heaviness in our hearts that we announce the passing of Radu Marius Rucareanu, eternally devoted husband, inimitable father and grandfather, devout Christian, and dear friend to many. Radu left us too soon at the age of 64 after a short battle with cancer, surrounded by the love and consolation of his wife and children.

For those who were close to him, Radu was a North Star, a true role model for what it means to make the most of our borrowed time here. He led an ever-curious, vibrant life, and instilled in his family a love of art in all its forms, the importance of physical fitness — with tennis, karate, skiing, and swimming being his passions — and a deep appreciation for the world through brilliantly planned excursions across 16+ countries.

Radu approached all he did with intentionality, a positive outlook, and an unwavering hunger to learn and understand. He brought a youthful sense of humour to the stories he shared, often unable to get through a joke without a few hearty chuckles nestled between words, and always lent a profound, confident perspective to conversations. It wouldn’t have been time spent with Radu if you didn’t walk away feeling more joyful, enlightened, or bettered in some way. He took great pride in the work he did as a software engineer, leaving his mark as a trusted, respected, and beloved colleague and friend.

A fierce supporter of his family, Radu showed us what an unwaveringly loving and loyal husband, father, and grandfather looks like. Over 38 years, he stood by Madeleine’s side — hand on hers — through moves and trips, milestones and tragedies, and all the beautiful in-betweens of life. And in that partnership, raised two children, Victor and Ioana, whose passions he encouraged, and whose obstacles he guided through with wisdom and warmth. Radu was a welcoming and caring father-in-law to Katherine and Colin, and in the last five years, became proud grandfather to Noah, Dominic and Sebastian, each of whom he endlessly doted on. He will now be reunited with his beloved parents, Mihai and Felicia.

Radu leaves behind a cherished church family at Saint John the Evangelist Romanian Orthodox Church, where he spent every week in worship, community support, and friendship. Above all, Radu had an impenetrable faith in God, and strived to honour his belief through church service and in his day-to-day actions.

On behalf of Radu, we ask that in lieu of flowers, those who wish to pay their respects offer a donation towards the church either via e-transfer to ; PayPal at ; or cheque payable to Saint John the Evangelist Romanian Orthodox Church.


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Adrian Dinica (AC84 colleague)

Entered February 24, 2024 from Lasalle, ON

Dumnezeu sa il ierte si sa il aiba in paza. Am pierdut legatura dupa facultate si am aflat de trecerea lui Radu pe canalul grupului de fosti colegi. Condoleante familiei. Adrian

Travis Halwachs (Friend)

Entered February 24, 2024 from Maryland, US

A bright star that left us all too soon. I wish I could've known you better, but will endeavor to do so through the kind and thoughtful family you helped bring to the world. Rest easy, for you've given us all a great gift.

Sorin Medrea (University colleague and friend)

Entered February 25, 2024 from New York

Rest in Peace, dear friend!

Ioana and Mircea Florescu (Friends and fellow church goers)

Entered February 25, 2024 from North York

Radu was a pillar of friendship and support for all of us and he will be dearly missed.

Laura si Florin Ristea (Close friend)

Entered February 25, 2024 from Toronto

Este foarte greu sa pun citeva vorbe pentru Radu fiindca nu poate fi deschis in cuvinte ce a insemnat el pentru noi toti din comunitatea biseci Sf Ioan Evanghelistul.
Un lucru ramine cu noi ca o flacara vie: increderea in Dumnezeu si speranta ca intr o Zi ne vom intilni cu toti acolo sus.
Drum lin prientre ingeri, prieten drag!!!

Laura si Florin


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