In memory of

吳立功先生Peter Lih-Kung Woo

September 24, 1928 -  March 28, 2021

(For English, please scroll down)


我們深感遺憾地宣布,吳立功先生 (Peter Lih-Kung Woo) 於2021年3月28日,在家人陪同下,在多倫多的家中,安祥離世。享年92歲。他是一位敬愛的丈夫﹑大哥﹑父親﹑祖父和許多人的好朋友及長輩。



立功得他的妻子麗玲﹑女兒心美﹑心麗﹑心德和心荃,其弟妹立容﹑立成﹑立盼﹑立真﹑立平﹑立和和立全,及他的外孫韓嘉揚﹑韓嘉怡﹑鍾瀚儀﹑鍾曦儀﹑周浩宇和周子宇的支持下,多年來努力及勇敢地與前列腺癌對抗,但最終不敵, 與世長辭。

我們希望各位以捐款代替花圈,請點擊上方“Donations”,以吳立功(Peter Lih-Kung Woo)的名義,向您選擇的慈善機構捐款。謝謝!

Dear Family and Friends,

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Peter Lih-Kung Woo 吳立功先生, a beloved husband, brother, father, grandfather, and a great friend to many. He passed away peacefully at home in Toronto with his family by his side on March 28, 2021 at the age of 92.

Peter was born on September 24, 1928 in Changzhou, China. He was the eldest son of Ren Caizhang and Wu Da Ke. He graduated from the University of Shanghai in 1952, with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Peter was extremely dedicated to his career, working tirelessly in the steel and iron trading industry to provide a better life for his family. He served as Chairman of the board for W&Y International Ltd. and was a member of various industrial associations, spanning multiple countries such as the United States and Japan.

He had a passion for traveling with family and friends. His favourite companion of all was his wife Lillian of 65 years. Their adventures brought them to many places around the world including Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. He also enjoyed learning various types of exercises to improve holistic health. Every morning, he made it a priority to practice the exercises he learned from his father before going on his daily walks and carrying on with his routine. His warmth, radiating smile, and extroverted personality allowed him to make meaningful relationships no matter where he went, whether it was at restaurants, medical offices, or banks he frequented.

Peter battled prostate cancer courageously with his family’s support. He is survived by his wife Lillian, his daughters Gabrielle, Angela, Doris, Margaret, his siblings Yong, Cheng, Pan, Zhen, Ping, He, Quan, and his grandchildren Jonathan, Angelina, Alana, Arina, Arthur, and Justin.

In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in Peter’s honour to a charity of your choice, found in the Donations tab above.


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吴立和,邵萍妮 (弟,弟媳)

Entered April 9, 2021


  大哥的音容笑貌依然历历在目,他的高尚,他的厚道, 他的宽容,他的智慧,一直伴随着我.他耐心地教给了我各方面的经验,心得和诀窍..不断为我指明方向


我今天的一切都离不开大哥大嫂的亲自栽培,大哥的哲理已深深地扎根在我的灵魂,他的言传,身教成就了我.我会以大哥为榜样,不断努力,把大哥的精神在家族中发扬光大. 永远,永远!



Kenny wu (Nephew)

Entered April 9, 2021 from San Diego California

My deepest condolence to Aunt Lillian and family. Wish Uncle Peter rest in peace.

Doris and Endre Kovacs (Godparent/sponsor)

Entered April 9, 2021 from Milperra, NSW, Australia

I know Uncle Peter when I first started high school back when I was at the age of 13 and he was always there for me and his family. He looked after us in good times and bad. I am very luck to have him as an incredible guardian who always took the extra step of making sure that everyone was OK. We were so fortunate to see him in Australia back in 2017 and 2019. His generosity is amazing and loved to share his life, love and passions. When it came to Uncle Peter and the family, there is no filter, but pure raw unconditional love. Uncle Peter has been am awesome guardian.

Please accept our deepest heartfelt sympathies.

Jenny Wang (Daughter’s friend ( Doris))

Entered April 9, 2021 from Pasadena California USA

I am so profoundly sorry for your loss of your wonderful, loving father! Oh, my heart is breaking for you! His presence on Earth and in all of our lives has been such a blessing! He was such a loving and peaceful man, who always had such sage advice and beautiful outlook on the world. I’m sure that his family’s presence at his bed side as he crossed over to heaven with god brought him great comfort and peace. Enormous hugs and immense love flowing your way......! As my heart aches for you, know that I am with you in your grief. May his memory be a blessing to all of you.

吴立真 (妹)

Entered April 10, 2021



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