In memory of

羅滿 Moon Low

May 2, 1933 -  May 2, 2021

We are with great sorrow to announce the passing of Mr Moon Low at his home in Richmond Hill on *May 2nd, 2021*, at the age of 88.

Mr Moon Low was born in Guangdong, China, on May 2nd, 1933. When he was young, he devoted himself to film photography in Hong Kong and later became a businessman. After moving to Canada with his family in the 90S, Mr Moon Low became a volunteer for community service and participated in charity activities enthusiastically. He had served in different organizations for the Senior Citizens' communities, such as Carefirst and the Mon Sheong Club. In addition to serving the community, Mr Moon Low had also studied art calligraphy and Chinese music, and he focused on playing the Chinese musical instrument – Erhu. In the last two decades, and he taught and freely shared his experience of playing Erhu with his students in the community. Mr Moon Low was a senior citizen with a good heart, great virtue, broad mind and longevity. All of us will greatly miss him.

He is survived by his wife Hing Yee, his son Terence and daughter-in-law Nancy, his younger son Wicky, his daughter Rina and son-in-law Andrew, his younger daughter Yanie and son-in-law David, his grandchildren Andre, Cember, Venus and Kaitlyn.

Due to the COVID epidemic, the memorial ceremony is reserved for the immediate family members and will not be made public. Relatives and friends can write down their wishes to mourn Mr Moon Low on the commemorative webpage. Thanks for the understanding and support during this difficult period.

羅滿先生於1933年5月2日出生於中國廣東。​​年青時在香港投身香港電影攝影,後營商。羅滿先生與家人移居加拿大後, 熱心積極参與社區内公益活動, 成為社區服務的志願者. 服務機構包括 耆暉會及孟嘗會等耆英社群。投入服務社區之餘, 羅滿先生亦研習藝術書法及國樂. 這二十年來, 羅滿先生專注拉奏二胡,參加過許多公益演奏活動外, 還無償地在社區教授及分享拉奏二胡心得. 羅滿先生擁有寬廣的心胸, 博大的情懷, 實在非常難得.

羅滿先生耆年碩德, 福壽雙全. 我們感恩及感激曾經與他一起的緣份. 非常懷念.

由於疫情嚴峻關係,紀念儀式只招待直屬親人, 不向外公開.
特此制作此紀念網頁, 各親友可以寫下心情語錄, 悼念羅滿先生。 感謝各親友在這段困難時期的諒解和支持。


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戚美玲 (学生)

Entered May 5, 2021


家人:謝謝🙏 戚美玲,有心了!

Elaine & Jimmy Cheung (二胡學生)

Entered May 5, 2021 from Toronto

羅滿先生是一位很有愛心、關愛社群熱心公益和充滿正能量的長者, 他除了義務教授二胡外, 更經常帶學生到社區中心/長者屋苑為長者獻奏。2009年 Elaine & Jimmy 很高興在城北華基金齡活動中心認識羅滿先生並成為他的學生, 2009年12月初羅滿師父答應了金齡籌委會的 Peter Leung 邀請帶領我們一起參加金齡慶祝聖誕節演出: 用二胡拉奏聖誕歌曲, 師父是位幽默風趣的人但做事非常認真, 他還親自帶我們去太古廣場購買制服, 並且邀請兩位姊妹同場獻唱詩歌, 事前無數次在他家中練習及彩排...
Elaine 有幸見証羅滿師父在2018年3月7日於城北金齡決志信主, 當時是 Stanley Leung 弟兄為羅滿師父做決志祈禱的。
Elaine & Jimmy Cheung

家人:謝謝🙏Elaine & Jimmy,你們有心了!

Cynthia Chik 

Entered May 6, 2021


Family: Thank you for your expressions of sympathy.

Nancy yen (David Chen ‘s sister)

Entered May 6, 2021 from Taiwan taipei

多年前,一次緣份和羅uncle 在加拿大相遇,共進午餐,大家相見甚歡,而且還記得uncle 風趣的用國語交談,他對台灣的人及地方喜歡的程度,到今天還記得清清楚楚,雖然短暫的交流,但可以感覺到他是位親切,開朗的長者,很遣憾沒有再次見面,卻聽到uncle 在生日之日過世,他是位特別人士,永遠讓後輩記得他。
希望uncle 脫離世上的苦到一個極樂世界,分享他樂觀的心態。永遠懷念羅uncle


Andrew & Rebecca Lui (Friends in RHCCC)

Entered May 6, 2021 from Richmond Hill

Moon, Rest In Peace. We will remember your good deeds and learn from you. God will bless your family members.

Family: We sincerely appreciate your prayers and thoughts.


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