In memory of

Maria Zeman

May 24, 1935 -  December 4, 2022

Maria Zeman (Baba néni)

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my beloved mother Maria. She passed away peacefully on Sunday December 4, 2022, at Toronto’s St. Joseph’s hospital at 87 years of age with me by her side.

Maria was born May 25, 1935, in Temesvár Hungary to the late Ference and Maria Csath. She was preceded in death by her brother Frank Csath. She is survived by her sister Pearl Garai in British Columbia, daughter Kathy Poon Wah (Sean), grandsons Jonathan and Christopher, and sister in-law Yolanda Csath. Baba néni, as she was fondly known, was an aunt to Cathy Clarke, Frank Csath (Patrice), Pearl Fabbro (Kim), and George Garai. Maria is also survived by many cousins, grand-nieces, and grand-nephews, as well as close friends Jozsef Bosze (Irénke) in Budapest, and Ben Urweiss and Attila Gunesch in Australia.

Maria was born in Temesvár but moved and lived her first half of her life in Budapest, Hungary. In Budapest she had a successful career as a Tool and Die Maker. She was also very passionate and involved in the Hungarian volleyball team which gave her many opportunities to travel to various parts of Europe for tournaments. In 1976, with great strength and determination, and with the help of her brother Frank, she moved to Toronto, Ontario with her daughter Kathy. Starting all over in a new country, not being able to speak English, she reached out to the Hungarian community to obtain her first job in the printing/press industry working for a Hungarian newspaper. Maria enjoyed a full life and in retirement, she travelled to many countries, enjoying the cultures, food, and people. She had a great sense of humor, always cracking jokes or one liners and then wanting it to be translated into English (unfortunately the punch line would get lost because of the translation). Maria enjoyed the outdoors and took her daughter on many camping and fishing trips with friends and family. Most of all, she was loving, attentive and a generous mother and grandmother.

Maria Zeman will be laid to rest at a graveside service which will be held on Friday, December 16, 2022, 11:00 am at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, 375 Mt Pleasant Rd, Toronto.

There will be a Celebration of Life on Saturday January 14, 2023. Further details to follow.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hungarian Translation ---------------------------------------------------------

Maria Zeman (Baba néni)

Nagy szomorúsággal jelentem be szeretett édesanyám Mária elhunyt. Mellettem, békésen elhunyt, 2022 december 4-én, vasárnap, a torontói St. Joseph's kórházban, 87 évesen.

Maria 1935 május 25-én született Temesváron, néhai Csath Ferenc és Mária gyermekeként. Halálát bátyja, Frank Csath előzte meg. Nővére, Pearl Garai British Columbiában, lánya, Kathy Poon Wah (Sean), unokái, Jonathan és Christopher, valamint sógora, Yolanda Csath maradt. Baba néni, ahogy kedvesen ismerték, Cathy Clarke, Frank Csath (Patrice), Pearl Fabbro (Kim) és George Garai nagynénje volt. Máriától sok unokatestvér, unokahúg és unokaöcs, valamint közeli barátok Budapesten József Bősze (Irénke), Ausztráliában pedig Ben Urweiss és Attila Gunesch maradt.

Maria Temesváron született, de elköltözött és élete első felét Budapesten élte. Budapesten sikeres szerszám- és szerszámkészítőként futott be. Szenvedélyes volt és részt vett a magyar röplabda-válogatottban is, ami számos lehetőséget adott számára, hogy Európa különböző részein utazzon versenyekre. 1976-ban, nagy erővel és elszántsággal, bátyja, Frank segítségével, lányával, Kathyval az Ontarió állambeli Torontóba költözött. Egy új országban kezdte elölről, mivel nem tudott angolul, ezért megkereste a magyar közösséget, hogy megszerezze első állását a nyomdaiparban, egy magyar lapnál dolgozva. Maria teljes életet élt, nyugdíjas korában pedig számos országba utazott, élvezve a kultúrákat, az ételeket és az embereket. Remek humorérzéke volt, mindig vicceket sütött, vagy egy szót, majd azt akarta, hogy lefordítsák angolra (sajnos az ütési vonal elveszett a fordítás miatt). Maria élvezte a szabad levegőt, és sok kempingre és horgászatra vitte lányát barátaival és családjával. Legfőképpen szerető, figyelmes és nagylelkű anya és nagymama volt.

Maria Zemant egy temetői istentiszteleten helyezik örök nyugalomra, amelyet 2022 december 16-án, pénteken 11:00 am orakor tartanak a Mount Pleasant temetőben.

2023 január 14-én, szombaton az Élet Ünnepe lesz. További részletek a továbbiakban.


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Cathy Clarke (Niece)

Entered December 12, 2022 from Toronto

I’m so sorry for your loss. I fondly remember your mom and her big smile. She was a very determined lady that was a real trailblazer. She had a lot of courage to leave Hungary and to work in a field dominated by men. She broke stereotypes of what a woman is supposed to be. She was certainly ahead of the times.
I pray for you and your family that your hearts will be filled with peace that only God can give.
Much love to you and your family.
Cathy, Laura and Kristin Clarke

Frank & Patrice Csath (nephew)

Entered December 14, 2022 from Toronto

Baba is at peace now and is reunited with her mother, father and brother, we will all miss her. Her beloved bird "Pitu" is missing her.

She enjoyed her independence and many travels to Australia and Hungary.

Our condolences to your family in this great loss and know that we are always here to support and enjoy good times to come in the future.

Dolly Cordi & Cecilia Bay (Friend)

Entered December 16, 2022

With our sincere condolences, your mother was a beautiful soul with a life full of adventures. She was so blessed to have a wonderful daughter, who was able to take her back to Hungary. She would be so proud of the woman you was become. May she Rest In Peace.


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