In memory of

林春龍 Long Xuan Lam

February 7, 1952 -  January 30, 2024

Our beloved father Long Xuan Lam (林春龍) passed away on January 30, 2024 at Toronto General Hospital after a 7 month battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 71 years old. He died peacefully surrounded by his wife Binh and his two daughters Jenny and Sandy. He is deeply loved and our family is heartbroken by this profound loss.

Long is survived by his loving wife Binh Yen Luong of 45 years; and his children, Jenny (Tony) and Sandy. Forever loved and cherished by his two grandchildren, Tyler and Ella. Remembered by his siblings; My My, Cai Hong (Wan Chang), Friday, Ha (Quan), and Kevin (Cindy). Nieces and nephews and their families; Jason (Ly), Lisa, Vicky, Diana (Xuan-Thy), Daniel (predeceased), Micheal, Kaylee (Kendal), Kelly. Dearly missed by his dog: Dao Dao.

Dad was born in Hanoi, Vietnam on February 7, 1952. In 1979, he left Vietnam with our mom who was 7 months pregnant. They made the courageous journey to safety on a boat to seek refuge in Hong Kong where Jenny was born. Our family was soon accepted by and immigrated to Canada in 1980. We settled in Toronto where Sandy was born. Dad worked as a warehouse supervisor for 36 years and raised a loving family in Toronto.

Dad was a 1000% family man. He was a devoted husband who always put his wife, children, and grandchildren first. He was a loving father who took care of every aspect of our lives. He was always present and took an active role as a father and grandfather. “Let me do it” he would always say. He was the best Grandpa and was the person the kids always turned to. 公公 can fix anything.

Dad taught us how to enjoy life and find humour in everything. He told jokes, he poked fun, he always made us laugh. “Sit out in the sun and enjoy a cold beer!” He was always the first person to jump in the pool with Tyler and Ella. He taught us how to take care of ourselves. “Think about it” guides a lot of our problem solving because he taught us to always find the best way. He was everyones’ favourite. He always knew how to make you feel special, attuned to everyone’s feelings.

Enjoyed life he did. He traveled the world with mom. He loved a good scotch, listening to music, ballroom dancing, walks with Dao Dao. Family gatherings were numerous. His most favourite pastime was to spend time with Tyler and Ella. We were fortunate to be able to take many family vacations and will always cherish the good times we had together.

That was Dad, one of a kind, our hero.

我們心愛的父親林春龍在與胰腺癌抗爭7個月後, 於2024年1月30日在多倫多總醫院去世。 他71歲了。 他在妻子,燕萍,和兩個女兒 Jenny 和 Sandy 的包圍下平靜地去世了。 他深愛著我們的家人對這一重大損失感到心碎。

爸爸留底了以45年的深愛妻子, 梁燕萍;以及他的孩子 Jenny (Tony) 和 Sandy。 永遠被他的兩個孫子 Tyler and Ella 所愛和珍惜。 被他的兄弟姐妹記住了, My My, Cai Hong (Wan Chang), Friday, Ha (Quan) 和 Kevin (Cindy)。 侄女和侄子及其家人; Jason (Ly), Lisa, Vicky, Diana (Xuan-Thy), Daniel (已故), Micheal, Kaylee (Kendal), Kelly。 非常想念他的狗: Dao Dao。

爸爸於1952年2月7日出生在越南河內。1979年,他和我們懷孕7個月的媽媽一起離開了越南。他們勇敢地乘坐一艘船前往安全, 在 Jenny 出生的香港尋求庇護。 1980年, 我們一家人很快就被加拿大接納並移民到了加拿大。 我們定居在 Sandy 出生的多倫多。 爸爸做了36年的倉庫主管, 在多倫多養了一個充滿愛心的家庭。

爸爸是一個1000%的家庭男人。 他是一個忠誠的丈夫,總是把妻子、孩子和孫子放在第一位。 他是一位慈愛的父親, 照顧我們生活的各方面。 他總是在場,並作為父親和祖父發揮了積極作用。 “讓我來做吧” 他總是會說。 他是最好的公公, 也是孩子們總是求助的人。“公公可以解決任何事情”。

爸爸教我們如何享受生活,如何在一切事物中找到幽默感。 他講笑話,他開玩笑, 他總是讓我們發笑。 “坐在陽光下, 喝杯冰啤酒!” 他總是第一個和Tyler和Ella一起跳進游泳池的人。 他教我們如何照顧自己。“想一想” 指導我們解決問題,因為他教我們總是找到最好的方法。 他是每個人的最愛。 他總是知道如何讓你感到特別, 適應每個人的感受。

他享受了生活。他和媽媽一起環遊世界。他喜歡蘇格蘭威士忌, 聽音樂, 跳交誼舞,和Dao Dao一起散步。家庭聚會很多。他最喜歡的消遣是與Tyler和Ella共度時光。我們很幸運能夠度過許多家庭假期,並將永遠珍惜我們一起度過的美好時光。



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Sylvia Luong (Sister-In-Law)

Entered February 1, 2024 from US

We always call Mr. Long as "Uncle Larry". Everytime he and my sister came visit, the family always hang out, went to eat good foods, went to Las Vegas. He loved Lee's Coffee, In and Out, Balut and many more. He always teased us, made us laugh and always said let's plan a trip all together. Unfortunately thats never realized, my biggest regret! Uncle Larry will always be in our heart with so many wonderful memories. He will be deeply missed by our family!
I am so sorry for your loss and deepest condolences to the my sister, Jenny/Tony, Sandy and two lovely grandchildren Tyler and Ella that he loved dearly.
Sylvia,John, Christine/Martin, Deanna/Anthony.

Ly Tan (Niece)

Entered February 1, 2024 from Toronto

You were loved, not only by me but everyone who was blessed enough to know you. You were in everyone of my most cherished family memories. Somehow you made every one of those memories better. I will eternally miss you.

Mike Tran (Jenny and Tony's friend)

Entered February 1, 2024 from Markham

My deepest condolences to you and your family Jenny. I will always remember uncle as the amazing person, dad and grandfather that he is. Since he also knew my dad's side of the family I always shared a deeper connection to him than most dads of my other good friends so I surely will miss him. I hope you are in heaven now uncle enjoying your scotch while looking down and protecting your family.

Rest in peace uncle.

Mike and family.

Maria Rice (Co-worker and friend)

Entered February 5, 2024 from Windsor

I am deeply saddened to learn that our dear friend Larry passed away.  Larry and I both started working at Forsyth within a day of each other, I always kidded around with him, boasting that I had one day's seniority over him.  Larry was very helpful to me in my role in Human Resources, oftentimes, I called on him to be an interpreter when explaining policies or benefits to a Vietnamese employee who had a limited grasp of English.  He had a cheerful disposition and was well liked.  My deepest sympathies go out to Binh and the entre Lam family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. May God give you  strength and courage to get through this difficult time.   

Kina and Davis (Cousin)

Entered February 5, 2024 from Yonge and Sheppard

Attend viewing Thursday February8 2024


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