In memory of

King-Lam Tam 先嚴譚景林先生

October 10, 1943 -  September 10, 2020

先嚴譚景林先生於新曆二零二零年九月十日壽終正寢於頤康護老中心積閏享壽八十有二歲治喪謹擇於新曆九月十五日(星期二)下午十二時於 Elgin Mills Funerals Center 舉行家奠禮,隨即出殯靈柩於同地火葬場火化.



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a private service will be held at Elgin Mills Funeral Centre and Cemetery. Condolence messages and donations may be conveyed through Mr. Tam’s memorial page. Thank you for your kindness and support during this difficult time.


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