In memory of

Ka Wing Cheung

October 14, 1963 -  July 6, 2020

It is with heavy heart and great sadness to announce the loss of my beloved husband, Ronald Ka Wing Cheung born on Oct 14th 1963.

After a brave battle, Ronald succumbed to cancer on Monday July 6th 2020. He passed away peacefully at Markham Stouffville Hospital at age of 56.

He will be remembered by family and friends for his kind heart, caring generosity and his tendency always putting other first. His glowing presence will be missed.



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Cham wai kit (Brother in law)

Entered July 9, 2020 from Markham


David Ty (Friend)

Entered July 9, 2020 from Richmond Hill, Canada

I had known Ronald for only a few months; within this short period, I noticed that Ronald always puts others before himself - such a nice guy.

Ronald, rest in peace, we'll miss you a lot.

Doris, take care. My condolences to you and your family.

Zelia Siu (同事)

Entered July 9, 2020 from Hong Kong

願你在另ㄧ彩虹橋發光發亮, 永遠懷念你!

Kenneth Choi (好兄弟)

Entered July 9, 2020 from 石硤尾

Ronald, 好同事,好朋友,好兄弟,你離開了公司,我總是渾身不自在,因為你是我最好的聆聽者。一個偏偏風度,善良、謙虚的一個大好人,上天一定另有好安排,帶你去另一美好世界。
永別!好兄弟 🕊️

Winnie Hung (同事)

Entered July 9, 2020 from Hong Kong

係我心中的Ronald係一個非常細心的人凡事總是想別人先, 願意付出心力及有責任感的人, 當得知他患上惡疾時感到晴天霹靂,這樣的好好先生為何遇上惡運... 雖然如此但我知Ronald也勇敢積極地面對病魔還繼續關心同事, 在我記憶中都是Ronald的好,我會永遠懷念你, 希望你安息!


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