May you rest in peace Aunty Jane....Your sweet angelic soul will at last find its rest...
My deepest sympathy goes out to the whole family.
Jane will be in my thoughts and prays. Will always have fond memories of visiting Jane in Bombay and her visits to the UK. Lately, we kept in contact via WhatsApp and am saddened by her departure.
Eternal rest grant unto aunty Jane, may her soul rest in peace.
May your soul Rest In Peace Jane
My deepest sympathy goes out to Sydney and Lyndon my thoughts and prayers are with you’ll.
Fond memories working with Jane for Cynamid Bombay playing cards and shared lunches. Was surprised when she recognized me in church here in Mississauga after many years.
My dearest friend Jane - You fought this battle so courageously - Rest now in Peace. You will be missed greatly by your friends, family, prayer group members and your son.
We will miss your bright smile and friendly personality. You are now with Arthur. Goodbye my friend - Love you.