In memory of

Guangfeng Li 李广峰

December 25, 1975 -  November 11, 2023

No obituary currently exists.


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Simon Cui (邻居)

Entered November 15, 2023


Peter Walcot (Former co-worker and friend)

Entered November 16, 2023 from Toronto

Bill was a wonderful guy and a proud father and husband. He will be truly missed by so many people.

Sameer Suleiman (Friend and Colleague)

Entered November 16, 2023

Bill was intelligent, hardworking and fun to be around. He was thoughtful and reached out often after we stopped working together. He will be missed, and thought of fondly often.

Pratik Dhrona (Friend)

Entered November 17, 2023

Having known Bill both as a cherished friend and a consummate professional for over a decade, his passing leaves a profound void. Every conversation with Bill taught me something important about family, life and work. I will deeply miss his presence, his joyful nature and his insightful perspectives.


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