In memory of
Ghet-Lang Trieu 趙郑淑棠夫人
March 10, 1935 -
November 30, 2023
我们怀着沉重的心情宣布我们敬爱的母亲、祖母和曾祖母 Ghet-Lang Trieu 于 2023 年 11月 30日在 Markham Stouffville 医院的Palliative Care Unit 安详地去世. 享年88 岁。母亲平静地离开了这个世界,留下了爱、辛勤工作和对家庭的奉献。 她与已故的丈夫 Hong Doan Trieu 和 6 个孩子(Raymond, Dat, Ben, Ken, Winnie 和 Trang)度过了漫长而幸福的生活,充满了美好的回忆。
她出生于 1935 年 3月 10日,她的人生旅程跨越了各大洲。 她在越南长大,接受了这些传统和价值观,这些传统和价值观将她塑造成我们所怀念的坚韧而有教养的女性。 为了给家人寻求新的机会和更好的生活,她勇敢地移民到了加拿大。 在加拿大,她接受了适应新文化的挑战,同时珍惜越南的记忆和教训。 除了成为家庭的中心之外,她还以其强烈的职业道德和坚定不移地致力于提供一个安全和充满爱的家庭而闻名。 移民到加拿大后,她进入劳动力市场,为家庭提供额外的经济支持,同时坚定地保持自己作为一名忠诚的家庭主妇和母亲的角色。 她每天为确保家人得到照顾而做出的牺牲是无与伦比的。
她最大的骄傲和快乐是她的家庭。 她的爱是无条件的,并将被世世代代铭记。 她为自己的子孙们精心制作衣服,每一件衣服都体现了她的创造力和艺术精神。 她还是一位烹饪大师,她的菜肴成为家庭庆祝活动的亮点。 她能够将简单的食材转化为烹饪杰作,使每顿饭都成为值得品味和期待的盛事。 无论一天的工作时间长短或面临挑战,她总是确保为家人提供一顿热腾腾的家常饭菜。 她还拥有娴熟的园艺技巧,她精心培育的香草、蔬菜和水果混合在一起,绽放出充满活力的花朵。 她花园里的丰收不仅用新鲜的自产食材装饰我们的饭菜,而且也体现了她为家人提供最好的东西的承诺。
媳婦, 女婿(Susana, Joanne, Kieu, Betty, Andrew 和 David), 孙子们(Karen(Mike), Michael(Leela), Sabrina, Ryan, Kevin, Kayla 和 Derek)和 曾孙(Elyse, Naomi, Aiden 和 Evan). 她的记忆将永远活在那些认识她, 爱她的人的心中。
家人谨代表母亲感谢大家的祈祷和哀悼. 此外, 我们还要感谢 Markham Stouffville 医院及其工作人员在她住院期间的照顾和关怀。
In Loving Memory of Ghet-Lang Trieu (赵郑淑棠夫人).
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Ghet-Lang Trieu. At the age of 88, Mom peacefully left this world on November 30, 2023, leaving behind a legacy of love, hard work, and devotion to family. She lived a long and blessed life full of wonderful memories with her late husband, Hong Doan Trieu and 6 children (Raymond, Dat, Ben, Ken, Winnie and Trang).
Born on March 10, 1935, her life journey took her across continents. Growing up in Vietnam, she embraced the traditions and values that would shape her into the resilient and nurturing woman we fondly remember. In pursuit of new opportunities and a better life for her family, she courageously immigrated to Canada. In Canada, she embraced the challenges of adapting to a new culture while cherishing the memories and lessons from Vietnam. In addition to being the center of the family, she was known for her strong work ethic and her unwavering commitment to providing a secure and loving home. Upon immigrating to Canada, she entered the workforce to provide extra financial support for the family while steadfastly maintaining her role as a devoted housewife and mother. Her daily sacrifices to ensure her family was taken care of, were unmatched.
Her greatest source of pride and joy was her family. Her love was unconditional and will be remembered for generations. Among the many gifts she shared, she was a true artisan. She meticulously crafted clothes for her children and grandchildren, each piece a testament to her creativity and artistic spirit. She was also a culinary maestro whose dishes became the highlight of family celebrations. Her ability to transform simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces made every meal an event to savor and anticipate. No matter the length or challenges of her day at work, she always ensured that there was a hot, home-cooked meal for her family. She also possessed a skillful touch in gardening, which blossomed into a vibrant medley of herbs, vegetables, and fruits that she tenderly cultivated. The bountiful harvest from her garden not only adorned our meals with fresh, homegrown ingredients but also reflected her commitment to providing the very best for her family.
She will be greatly missed by her loving family of in-laws (Susana, Joanne, Kieu, Betty, Andrew and David), grandchildren (Karen (Mike), Michael (Leela), Sabrina, Ryan, Kevin, Kayla and Derek) and great grandchildren (Elyse, Naomi, Aiden and Evan). Her memory will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved her.
On Mom’s behalf, the family would like to thank everyone for their prayers and condolences. In addition, we’d like to thank Markham Stouffville Hospital and their staff for their care and attention during her stay.
In lieu of flowers, financial contributions can be made via contribution envelopes available at the service or donations directly to the Alzheimer Society of Canada.