In memory of

Elzbieta Kisicka

September 28, 1942 -  October 10, 2017

No obituary currently exists.


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Shahid Sharif (Collegue)

Entered October 12, 2017

Emily and Family,

Heartfelt condolences to you. We know how hard it is to lose someone so dear to hearts. Let her soul rest in peace,
Let your mind find courage to handle this sorrow.

Beata i Sławomir Kmieć 

Entered October 13, 2017

Łącząc się w żałobie i smutku po śmierci Waszej Mamy, chcielibyśmy złożyć kondolencje i wyrazy współczucia.
Beata i Sławomir Kmieć

Sue Rawn (Work with Kathy)

Entered October 16, 2017 from Collingwood

So sorry to hear of your Moms passing ... thinking of you at this time,


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