In memory of

Dorothy Fook Chuen Tang-Tai

April 1, 1924 -  May 12, 2024

鄧戴福全女士 主懷安息
二零二四年五月十八日 星期六
享年一百歲的鄧戴福全女士,2024年5月12日 主懷安息於加拿大多倫多(Kensington)的臨終關懷醫院。鄧女士1924 年 4 月 1日出生於香港,正值戰時,與來自臺灣的父親鄧重生結婚,養育有四個孩子,約翰、保羅、碧真,(彼得),有八個孫子,和十一個曾孫。鄧女士火葬前的道別儀式,於5月18日早上, 直系親屬在場。已經舉行完畢。

In Loving Memory Of Mrs. Tang-Tai Fook Chuen April 1st, 1924 – May 12th, 2024
Dorothy Tang-Tai Fook Chuen, one hundred years of age, passed away at Kensington Hospice on May 12, 2024. She was born on April 1st, 1924, in Hong Kong. During wartime, Dorothy married Tang Chung Sang, originally from Taiwan, they have four children, John, Paul, Mary & (Peter), eight grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.Her farewell ceremony was conducted on the Saturday morning of May 18th, 2024, in the presence of her family, at Mount Pleasant Funeral Centres.

Thank you for your love and support
Memorial contribution in lieu of flower, can be made to the Building Repair of Chinese Presbyterian Church,177 Beverley Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1Y7



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