In memory of

Courtney Vollie De'Irish

April 16, 1971 -  February 22, 2024

No obituary currently exists.


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Hyacinth and Andrea Golding (Church)

Entered March 2, 2024 from Pickering

We are still in disbelief that Courtney has fallen asleep in Christ, tears came to my eyes. Such a vibrant and Godly young man. A wonderful son and father. When mom and I use to attend Ajax SDA Community Church and he would preach. It would be from his heart and oh that deep voice, he was such a gentleman. I can remember his children, with their father. He use to be my hairdresser many years ago. He would make sure you were satisfied when he finished.
Courtney I guess you had finished your race. I can only imagine how your mom misses you and your father. You and your mom were both were so close, like 2 peas in a pod. Those who mourn will be comforted. Let's continue to keep His children, wife, step children, mom and dad in our prayers.
So let's continue to remain faithful so we can meet our dear Elder Courtney in the earth made new during the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
On behalf on my mom Sis. Golding and myself. Thank you Lord that you allowed Courtney to cross our path.

Sweet Angel (Friend)

Entered March 7, 2024 from MILLO Church

I wish you didn't leave us so quickly, for not one word, or two, or three or as many that could be said, can replaced the lovely person you were to your church group.
I will purposely try to finish what we started. We love you and missed you so much, but tears are a language only God understands. I for one was so very proud of you, proud of the work you did for MILLO.The zeal you demonstrated to see MILLO grew into a congregation, proud of hearing you called me MOM, hearing me tell you how many times I would "bust" your head for being "late", and to see that great big smile on your face begging me not to, or I had to pay $5.00 towards the church budget ... wow...someone may just have to fill your shoes and do the collection... the person you were, the faith you had for the work, and the great difference you made in our lives. Alone we were SMART, but together we were awesome... You were the best team player ever. May your name be written down in the Lamb's Book of Life, and the Book of Rememberance for the kindnesses you shown to all those you meet and greet...indeed you were wonderfully made by God, you were deligtfully gifted for the purpose of working in His church, and for sure, God generously blessed you with His love. So sleep on now and take your rest. May you rest in peace until the Great Life Giver calls your name from the dark old musty grave, and together with all the living righteous will meet our Lord with all his holy angels in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord. HOPING TO SEE YOU THERE, BY GOD'S GRACE.
Indeed, no more death, no more pain, no more troubles for they all will be done away with. AMEN!