In memory of

Chi On John Wong王治安

January 21, 1954 -  April 16, 2022

Please take a moment to sign the guest book for the family. Your love and support during these difficult times are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

For those who wish to participate by watching the livestream funeral service for Mr. Wong can refresh this page at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, April 29, 2022 and click the livestream link at the top of the page.

王治安先生祖籍福建泉州,生于香港一九五四年一月二十一日, 終于二零二二年四月十六日. 他是王祖善和林淑珠的么子. 上有三個哥哥和四個姐姐. 從小到大都有一顆善心, 愛䕶家中的寵物, 乳名”貓仔”,外甥們都稱呼他為”貓舅父”. 長大後在職場上認識了陳瑛瑛,邂逅了八年,於一九八一年結婚, 八四年生下兒子王東誠. 為了兒子的將來, 在一九九二年舉家移民加拿大多倫多. 很感恩當時得到三家姐丶三姐夫及朋友們的悉心照顧. 風雨不改丶大雪紛飛, 不辭勞苦地照應! 因為得到了朋友們無私的奉獻, 當有香港的朋友要移居多倫多時, 他很樂意接待朋友住在家中直至他們安頓了一切. 二零零四年因緣際遇之下在多倫多佛光山受三皈五戒及上了永固法師的粵語佛學班. 因此對佛敎有了更深的了解, 和發心做義工. 後來參加法相學會的禪坐班, 認識了一班好朋友. 二零一三年兒子和媳婦陸樿凝成家立室, 二零一五年孫女熙貞出世, 二零一八年加添了孫子順程為王家繼後香燈.

Chi On John Wong, was born on January 21, 1954 in Hong Kong to parents Wong Cho Sian and Lim Siok Chu of Quanzhou, Fujian, China origin. Being the youngest, he grew up in a large family consisting of three elder brothers and four elder sisters. At a young age, he developed a compassionate heart, exemplifying the love for animals, especially their house pets. Nicknamed “Little Kitten” by his parents due to his love towards the house cats. As he grew older, he was nicknamed by his nephews and nieces as “Cat Uncle”. He met Estella through the workplace and had 8 years of courtship before marrying in 1981. By 1984, their only son Matthew was born. For a better future of his son, they have decided to migrate to Canada in 1992. With the relentless help from his sister Shirley and brother-in-law Tim, the family settled in Toronto. Through the unconditional help and care from various friends, John and his family was able to move into their first home in Richmond Hill. John had paid forward these good deeds by offering his home to welcome immigrant friends from Hong Kong to board with him before they could settle. In 2004, with an opportunity from Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, John had taken refuge in the Triple Gem and vow to observe the five precepts to become a devoted Buddhist. He attended Dharma classes and offered his spare time as a volunteer with the temple. He broadened his knowledge of Buddhism by attending and practicing meditation through Buddhist Dharmalaksana Society and had established new life-long friends. In 2013, his son Matthew married Joanne Luk. By 2015, John became a grandfather, welcoming his first granddaughter Mackenzie Wong. In 2018, John welcomed his grandson Austin Wong and thus extended the traditional Wong family lineage to a new generation. He had enjoyed his time as a grandfather and showered his love towards his grandchildren with great compassion.


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Tobie, Joey and Jamie (Nephew)

Entered April 24, 2022 from Hong Kong

We deeply admired Uncle John's character and heart, and we'll always remember him with love.

Dickie, Loretta, and Karson Chan (Nephew)

Entered April 24, 2022 from Hong Kong

Uncle John was a kind and compassionate man, with a big warm heart. He will be sorely missed.

Peggy & Raymond (Relative)

Entered April 24, 2022 from Hong Kong

John was a gentle, kind hearted soul.
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. May it brings you peace and strength.
With love at this difficult time.

Christine Chiu (師姐)

Entered April 26, 2022 from Toronto

祈願阿彌陀佛接引,John 師兄一路好走,往生蓮邦,花開見佛!永遠懷念您!
(Patrick and Christine)

Angela Leung (friend)

Entered April 27, 2022 from Toronto

Estella: My condolences. May you find comfort and peace in memories and friends that are here for you - now and always.


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