In memory of

Cerasela Hornea

August 16, 1961 -  September 13, 2023

Beloved Cerasela left us unexpectedly on September 13, 2023 at the age of 62. She still had a full life ahead of her that was taken too soon, leaving family and friends in total dismay.
True to her nature, she fought fiercely until the very last moments, surrounded by her loving husband Mircea and our wonderful children Sandra and Peter.

Born in Romania, Cerasela travelled and lived around the world with her diplomatic parents in places like France, Switzerland, Egypt, and Central Africa. This instilled a passion for architecture, which led her to pursue a degree at the Institute of Architecture in Bucharest. It was at university where Cerasela met and married Mircea and just before graduation in 1988, our son was born.

In 1993, Cerasela followed her passion halfway across the globe to Singapore, working with Mircea as architects in several prestigious firms. Our family grew as our daughter was born four years later. Cerasela loved Singapore and it was Sandra’s greatest wish to be able to travel back together one day.

Cerasela immigrated with the family to Toronto in 2002. Her architecture degree was not recognized in Canada, so she spent years working in positions below her qualifications to support her family. She then set her sights on becoming a Condominium Manager. After working full time during the day, Cerasela would come home to take care of her children before attending night classes and studying for exams.

Through years of hard work and utmost dedication to her properties, she established herself as a well-known and respected Condominium Manager, building strong friendships with colleagues, trades, and residents. Cerasela inspired many of her juniors to aim higher than they imagined and helped them pursue their own careers in management.

In recognition of her exceptional results in the industry, Cerasela received the 2015 Manager of the Year award. She took a lot of pride in this accomplishment, as did we. It was truly remarkable what she was able to achieve in such a short time after having to restart from scratch.

Cerasela never gave less than 110% whether it was in her professional or personal life. She never hesitated to put others before herself. She was tough but extremely warm hearted, generous, and funny. It brought her so much joy to spend time with her grandson Alex and hear him call her “Buni”. Summer was her favourite time, as she loved planting flowers in her garden, taking walks in the park, going camping by the lake and travelling back to Romania. She was amazing at cooking, baking and sewing, always spoiling our family and friends.

We don’t know how she did it but she always seemed to know everything. We got so lucky to have her as our Mom, Wife, Grandma and Best Friend. We promise to live the rest of our lives being grateful for her love and to make her proud.

Rest in eternal peace, our guardian angel Cerasela, reunited with your beloved parents Maria and Antoniu Oncescu, as well as your joyful dogs Mitzy and Alfa. You will always be remembered, cherished and loved.

Our family would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported us during this difficult time. Thank you for your thoughts, kind gestures and prayers.

We invite you to celebrate Cerasela’s memory by joining us for her funeral on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at York Cemetery & Funeral Centre. Parking is available on site.

Please see table below for address, directions and schedule of events.

Live Stream - via Microsoft Teams on smart phone with Teams mobile app, or on laptop/tablet directly in browser Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Just tap/click on the link below to join the meeting.

Live Stream - prin Microsoft Teams va putea fi vizionat pe mobil cu aplicatia MS Teams, sau pe laptop/tableta direct in browser Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Apasati pe linkul de mai jos la ora 21:00 (RO), scrieti-va numele si apoi apasati tasta “join meeting”.

Religious Service – Cerasela Hornea
Saturday, 23 Sep, 2023 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (21:00 – 22:00 RO)


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Jovan (Friend of the family)

Entered September 20, 2023 from Toronto

What I will miss most was how easily we could make each other laugh with silly jokes and teasing - and especially your infectious laughter which always brought warmth and laughter to a room. I am honoured to have grown up a close friend of Peter's and was able to be close to the family as I grew up. Thank you for all the wonderful moments, you will be sorely missed...

Nick Arghir (Friend and neighbour.)

Entered September 20, 2023 from Toronto

Când o ființă apropiată nouă pleacă pentru totdeauna, abia atunci ne dăm seamă cu durere în suflet că suntem niște bieți muritori.
A plecat prea devreme lasand in urma doar tristete, durere si intrebari fara raspuns. Dumbezeu sa o odihneasca in pace. Sincere condoleante familiei.


Entered September 20, 2023 from Bucharest, Romania

Drum lin in lumina, Cerasela!
Nu te vom uita niciodata!
Mircea, Sandra si Razvan, suntem alaturi de voi in imensa pierdere!
Verii indurerati Neli, Rodica si Aurica

Debby Glavin (Friend through work)

Entered September 21, 2023 from Toronto

The news of Cera's passing is truly heartbreaking. I am so very, very sad for her family and everyone who knew her, as she was a very special person. I happily consider her the friend that she has become over her years at the Florian (outside of our "work" relationship). I have missed her since she has left her duties at the building, but I will truly miss her now more than ever.

She was a strong, smart, vibrant, compassionate woman, who cared deeply for others, and all that she did. I have enjoyed our many talks - she was always there with kind words and support when needed, and we have shared many a good laugh.

Undeniably, she adored her husband and her children. And her grandson - commenting on how he reminded her of her own father in looks and gestures, always made her smile. Her family meant everything to her and she was a good friend to many. Cera was a good example to those around her, at work and in her life; expected a lot, encouraged others to reach their potential, and worked hard.

I am sorry that she won't be there physically in the future to share in the special moments and accomplishments of those she loved. Please know that she will always be here in spirit. Cera, you will be missed every day.

Nagaraja T M (Former colleague in Singapore)

Entered September 21, 2023 from Bengaluru

Mircea, Mike is my good friend, colleague, apartment mate. We had nice time in Singapore.
Sorry to hear this sad news brother Mike. Take care. Pray almighty to give you strength and courage to deal with the loss.
Om Shanthi 🙏🙏🙏


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