Bea, We miss you deeply, The family will carry you in our hearts forever,
There is a special place in our hearts
for those we have loved,
for those who have loved us without question,
without a word or a promise...
There is a special place
where there is no pain or fear, where love flows freely...
There is a special place
to rest in our hearts forever.
Love you
In loving memory of Birthe
You always lightened up our days when you stayed in Denmark. It was always a pleasure having you around. Thank you for many hours full of joy, fun and lots of talking around the table - often till late at night! We loved having you and Douglas on our small trips around the country or gathering around the celebration of family members.
You were never sad - always in a good mood and you always enjoyed being around our kids, when they were younger.
We kept in touch over the phone - it was always nice to hear your cheerful voice and being updated on things in your life, as well as you loved to hear what were going on in Denmark.
You will live on in our hearts and we will keep many loving memories in our hearts forever.
Love from Denmark - Henry, Carsten, Christina, Casper and Cecilie.
In loving memory, always loved and never to be forgotten.
Aunt Bea, I miss your laugh. I miss your smile. And I miss talking to you every day....I miss listening to the wonderful stories of your life. You have been a part of my life for over 50 years and I have cherished every moment of knowing you. You and Kevin were my dad's best friends, and I loved visiting you at your cottage and home on my summer vacations when I was young then into my teens....and after Kevin passed away during my university years, my dad would drop in to see you every week to make sure you were ok, and I often went with him. I loved spending my holidays with you, going shopping, learning about make-up and dressing up in glitzy dresses! I miss hearing about all the adventures you had when you were young...your first jobs and apartments and loves... the stories you told me about your life when you left home and had had to stand up for yourself against adversity which amazed me - you were so young but knew yourself and your worth at a young age. Throughout my life, you were always there for me for a chat - for advice or sometimes just to tell me to relax and not worry about something...a quick call to you would always put me back into perspective. And when i started working after university we'd meet for lunch...then later when my kids were young and you'd come visit us for special dinners, or in recent years just dropping by for a coffee and a chat. I miss your advice - from not worrying about things to letting my kids travel to see the world like you did at their age... More recently, I loved hearing about of all your travels with Doug - your trips to Florida, cruising and Europe, and spending time with his family. Aunt Bea, You lived every day with adventure and life. I am deeply missing you every day, and try to find comfort that you lived a life full of adventure, fearlessness and love. I am honoured that you have allowed me to be a part of your life, you have enriched me, and taught me so much. I have been so fortunate to have known you and learned from you. I only hope that I can carry forward with the same positive love that you always shared in this world. If I had 3 wishes, one would be to wish I could go back in time just for a day, to tell you once again, just one last time, how special you are and that you are loved. The world was better because you were in it. And you are so deeply missed every day.