In memory of

馬玉珍女士 Mona Yuk Chun Lee

February 21, 1949 -  October 19, 2021

一個慈愛的母親和岳母,溺愛孫兒的婆婆,順服的妻子,看重姊妹親情並敬愛哥哥的好妹妹,忠心的姑姑和弟婦 ,可親的阿姨。李馬玉珍Mona女士不只是以上一切,更是有過之而無不及。但最重要的是,她是上帝的女兒,這是她籍着信心接受了耶穌基督為救主而得到的福份。不僅在世時我們如此認識她,我們也深信她今天仍然活著。

我們確信她現在正與我們的主同在,她的身體與靈魂都已更新,擺脫了世上痛苦和悲傷的束縛。如今是我們這些留下來的人在背負悲傷的重擔,因為我們哀嘆她再不能陪伴我們一同起居生活。但此時此刻,讓我們一起來埋葬我們的悲傷,一起慶祝Mona 仍然在天堂裏活着,並且再沒有痛苦只有喜樂。而且對我們信主的人來說更有盼望,知道將來會再次與她相聚。

“……復活在我,生命也在我:信我的人,雖然死了,也必復活……” - 約翰福音11:25

A loving mother and mother-in-law, doting grandmother, dutiful wife, caring sibling, loyal sister-in-law, wonderful aunt. Mona Yuk Chun Lee was all of these things and more. But above all these she was a child of God, claimed through her acceptance of Jesus Christ as saviour. For by this we are assured that she not only was, but still is.

By this we attest that she now lives with our Lord, her body and spirit renewed, free of the shackles of suffering and sadness. It is us who remain that bear these crosses now, as we lament our loss of her physical presence in our own lives. So let us come together to bury our sorrow and celebrate that Mona is alive and well in paradise. And for us who also believe, will have the opportunity to see her again soon.

“…I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…” - John 11:25