In memory of

Wing Tung Wu

November 7, 1926 -  January 1, 2021

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Mrs. Law Wu Wing Tung on January 1st, 2021.

Due to COVID-19 gathering restriction, a small, in-person service will be held on Friday January 8th @ 9:30am. Live stream will be provided for those who wish to participate.

We are grateful for your prayers and support during this time. In lieu of flowers, donations can be e-transferred to All proceeds will be donated to Toronto Simpson Chinese Alliance Church. .

我們深感悲痛地通知您, 我們摯愛的母親,祖母和曾祖母, 羅胡永東女士, 於2021年1月1日安息主懷。享年94歲。

由於COVID-19的限聚令, 安息禮拜只限於家人出席。如有弟兄姊妹或親友想參與, 可以觀看網上直播。

在此期間,我們感謝大家的禱告和支持。有意者,可選擇將帛金透過電子轉賬至 家人然後會將全數奉獻給多倫多宣信華人宣道會。


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Susanna Kwok (Brother and sister in Christ)

Entered January 6, 2021 from Scarborough, Ontario

May God's love and grace are always with you. Please accept my condolences and may our prayers help comfort you.
In deepest sympathy.
Love in Christ,
Susanna Kwok

Chuk Kwan Lau ( Anna) (主內妹妹)

Entered January 6, 2021


學偉 (教會弟兄姊妹)

Entered January 7, 2021 from 香港

去年1月8日我母親離世歸主,為了在安息禮中向未信主的親友和家人宣揚福音的信息,我寫了以下的歌詞(調用生命聖詩499首「求主同住」Abide with Me),在安息禮中讓會眾頌唱:-

日落的那方 光明且美麗
是永遠家鄉 心靈所嚮往
舊日的勞苦 皆一一卸除
能與主一起 何等的佳美

不再有嘆息 不再有眼淚
不再有悲傷 不再有死亡
在天堂美家 主愛永伴隨
讚美聲處處 頌恩永無窮

天使來迎迓 心歡喜快樂
上帝的家裏 有無限住處
凡信靠耶穌 都可以進來
與救主相偕 到永永遠遠


少萍 (教會弟兄姊妹)

Entered January 7, 2021 from 加拿大

在這時刻求 裡 有 許 多 住 處 ; 若 是 沒 有 , 我 就 早 已 告 訴 你 們 了 。 我 去 原 是 為 你 們 預 備 地 方 去 。”
(約14:1-2) 主的兒女已得著這寶貴的應許,願你們平安。🙏🙏🙏

彩儀 (教會弟兄姊妹)

Entered January 7, 2021 from 香港


Life Stories 

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Albert Yeung (Grandson)

Entered January 6, 2021

亞婆, 太太. For 32 years, you have been the matriarch of the Law family and the glue that binds us together. You have taught us what it means to be loved by God, how to love God and how to love others because of God. You taught me how to live out the Word through your actions, lessons that I will never forget.

People often say I’m the “most loved” grandson of 亞婆, but I’m just the most fortunate one of the 8 of us because I got to spend the most time with her. From when I was little, I would spend a great deal of time with grandma and grandpa because mom and dad had to work or study abroad. I still remember grandma bringing home all kinds of animals so I can “play” with them, only to find them on our dining table the next day. I still recall having a turtle, a fish, a frog fall from our 12th floor balcony, and having to rush to the streets to retrieve them. Did I mention parrot, birds, chicken and duck?

When grandma migrated to Toronto in the mid 90’s, I wasn’t sure how it was going to work. Grandma never went to school, so she doesn’t know how to write / read Chinese, let alone English! She proved me wrong! She communicated with our Caucasian neighbours using body language and became friends with them. She took buses to visit other elderly people in the church, and never once did she get lost. Looking back, I thank God for His protection.

But it was in the church where I learned the most from grandma. I’ve heard stories from others of how she would put me on her back and hand out flyers on the street when I was little. She would bring me on visitations to the elderlies. I finally got to see it first hand when she started coming to Simpson with me. She would volunteer at every opportunity to serve in VBS and fellowship. She would call brothers and sisters weekly to chat with them and care for them. The one that stands out over all others is the time when Simpson was sending its first Short Term Mission team to Eastern Canada and I was part of that team. If you’ve read her eulogy, you would know that we are not a well-off family, but she asked how she can help. I told her we needed support for our flight tickets as that was our biggest cost. Without hesitation, grandma committed to covering 4 of the 8 round trip tickets for the team. That is just one of many examples where she put the church before herself. Whenever there is someone sick and hospitalized, she would ask me to drive her to visit them. In her latter years, when she was physically unable to go, she would call me and remind me to go on her behalf. I will continue to follow her footsteps…

Am I the “most loved” grandson? Absolutely not! She loved all her grandkids just the same. Is she the most loved grandma? I can say with 100% conviction that she is and it’s all because of her love for others. She lived her life to the fullest and taught me just what it means in 1 John 4:19 “we love because He first loved us.”

I miss you and I can’t wait to rejoice with you in heaven. Until then…

Joanna Law (Daughter)

Entered January 6, 2021

“老媽子”, “媽子”, “媽”, “亞婆”, “亞嫲”, “太太”,”太嫲”, 我們兄弟姐妹及一眾孫 “室”都這樣尊稱你. 你德高望重, 四代同堂, 令人欣羨. 你也是一位明理(識做)的老人家.

首先多謝二佬及四妗母, 卅多年與媽子同住, 照顧起居飲食, 無微不致. 也要多謝Albert, 亞婆多次進出醫院, 及至最後的數日, 幸得有你多方協助, 亞婆才可在家安穩離世.

我最細, 與媽子相處的時間相對是最小, 也因此, 我是最依賴媽子的.
我羨慕哥哥姐姐與你多十年八載的相處. 我記憶小時候, 我曾頑皮, 被你打到抽筋, 但在我病時, 你天天舟車勞動, 到醫院送我喜愛的食物. 長大了, 你耐心聽我一切傾訴, 你的愛, 我無以為報.

老媽子, 是你將基督的福音帶入家裏, 至老豆及我們五兄弟姐妹都先後受洗成為基督徒. 信主後, 你積極參與教會傳福音和探訪的工作. 你對主的忠心與信心, 是我們的好榜樣. 直到今天, 在香港的忠主堂, 你仍有一班好姊妹與你經常保持聯絡.

老媽子一生不容易, 與爸婚後仍分居兩地, 要獨自帶兩個姐姐在國內生活. 也曾經歷土改, 千辛萬苦才去到香港與爸重聚. 當年生活艱難, 但老媽子從不抱怨, 從工廠取毛衣回家加工, 為了快些來回, 媽在那時, 會買軟雪糕給我, 坐在蘇屋村大門口, 一邊吃, 一邊等她.

我們一個一個長大, 結婚的結婚, 生仔的生仔, 本是你可以享受的日子, 爸卻身患重病,一 天都不能沒有你, 辛苦了十多年, 爸走後, 你仍幫忙湊帶孫兒, 殷勤照顧.

老媽子雖然未讀過書, 但認得字, 識簽名; 又有一對巧手, 牛奶嘜, 柚皮可以改為燈籠作玩具, 以前過年, 廿/卅人的飯菜, 一個人就能完成. 拿手的更有蒸旦糕, 蘿蔔糕, 包粉果, 腐皮卷等等.., 想起都想食.

還記得第一次倆母女去日本旅行, 去迪士尼, 玩遍所有機動遊戲同過山車, 開心大叫, 團員都笑她大膽. 而最後一次母女倆出門, 是去澳洲參加欣欣的婚禮. 坦白講, 前後卅個多個鐘, 好辛苦, 她的腳又不好, 佢唔舒服都不敢出聲, 怕給我添痳煩. 因為她渴望見兒孫, 什麼都不是問題.

廿多年前移民到加拿大, 老媽要開始自己新的人生旅程了. 直到今天, 老媽子是很開心的. 媽開朗的性格, 熱心助人, 很快已經溶入這裡, 前院種花後院種菜, 認識左鄰右里, 教會裡, 更是眾人的胡婆婆. 團契, 祈禱會, 主日學, 主日崇拜, 她都積極參與出席, 關心主內弟兄姐妹, 愛神愛人的心, 有目共睹.

2015年3月開始, 是我與媽獨處最多的五年. 每個星期六車媽子去按摩, 食午飯, 買餸. 星期日散會後, 又一齊食飯, 我哋天南地北, 無所不談, 兄姐的最新情報, 都是由她向我提供的. 可惡的新冠, 3月起, 我冇這機會了, 7月車媽去剪髮, 匆匆去, 匆匆回, 怕媽在外被感染, 11月, 媽生日, 買了她愛吃的牛肉燒餅, 也是我最後一次坐在她身旁一同進食. (為此二佬罵我大膽, 不帶口罩, 坐你身旁).

到我再見到你時, 你瘦了, 身體虛弱, 拉著我的手, 不能說話, 我明白你內心的掙扎, 肉體的痛苦; 這一切, 主耶穌都知道. 今日, 你終於可以放下地上的勞苦與病痛, 與主耶穌在天堂享受榮美的日子, 他日我們天家相見. 永遠懷念的母親! 琼

Christina Kwok (Granddaughter)

Entered January 6, 2021

首先,要多謝四舅父,四舅母,五姨同 Albert,自從阿婆移民加拿大後,得你們的悉心照顧,她可以安享晚年。





Anita Kwok (Granddaughter)

Entered January 6, 2021 from Hong Kong



響我心入面「呀婆」係萬能⋯⋯咩都識做,咩都做得好。你叫佢幫你做1件事⋯⋯佢會幫你做妥10件事。你估唔到佢可以做得到 同做得好 ⋯⋯令大家好放心叫佢幫手⋯⋯絕對唔會係豬隊友。




隨着歲月洗禮⋯⋯呀婆身體開始有小毛病,往後幾年,我同家姐或者同男朋友呀文有時間都過嚟探阿婆。我會買佢需要嘅藥膏同埋佢鍾意食嘅嘢黎探呀婆,當然佢梗係好開心見到我啦 :)




2021年1月2日 香港時間凌晨4:46⋯⋯收到呀拔電話⋯⋯呀婆搭咗飛機返天家⋯⋯痛哭


Samuel Law (Grandson)

Entered January 6, 2021

Grandma was always hard working and rarely complained. If you met her walking down the street, you would notice a short Chinese woman with a very bent over back. She had the look of someone who had worked hard her whole life. And yet she was also a kind gentle person.

As a child, for a few short years, I recall visiting uncle Roman and his family, playing with my cousins and seeing Grandma. Sometimes she would have little chicks and me not knowing what to do.

When we lived in Hong Kong after she had moved to Canada, she would often return for Chinese New Year. She spent many hours working in the kitchen to cook all her family special New Years dishes. And she was always generous with what she had.

When my mum’s mum passed away in Australia, my parents attend the funeral and my grandma was looking after us. She would comfort us in our grief and remind us of heaven.

I visited Toronto to see my family in 2017 with my parents, sister, my wife and our 10-month-old baby Grace. When I saw grandma, I remember thinking how much she’s shrunk. I saw how well she’s integrated into life and church in Toronto and how well loved she had been. I saw how Albert’s son Ethan adored his great grandma. I saw how God blessed grandma with peace and joy and surrounded her with dearly loved friends and family.

As I left Canada in 2017, I didn’t know when I would see grandma face to face again. In the passing years, I’ve had 2 more children, and have not had the opportunity to see grandma in person again. It brings me much sadness that I will not see grandma on this earth again but I know that we shall see each other in heaven.

Thank you uncle Roman and your family and aunty Joanna and your family for looking after grandma all these years.

We miss her dearly and thank God for the blessing she has been in our lives.


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