In memory of

Shuk Ngor Dorothy Sun

August 19, 1934 -  June 18, 2022

Dorothy Shuk Ngor Sun
August 19, 1934 – June 18, 2022

It is with a mixed feeling that we announce the passing of Dorothy Shuk Ngor Sun on June 18, 2022 at Markham Stouffville Hospital, Markham, Canada at the age of 87 years old.

Dorothy was born on August 19, 1934 in Hong Kong and migrated into Toronto, Canada in 1993. She was a Music and English primary school teacher in Hong Kong and retired when settled in Canada. She enriched her students with her passion for teaching and she will be missed by all those lives she touched.

Dorothy married to Albert To On Liu in 1957 and spent 43 wonderful years together until Albert predeceased her in 2003. They raised their four children and instilled Christian faith into them along the way.

With sadness, we missed her presence on earth. Cherished mother of Grace, Stephen, Agnes & Robin and mother-in-law of Paul, Polly, Lawrence & Isabella. She is dearly loved and will be greatly missed by her grandchildren: Tammy, Ambrose, Kathy, Adonia & Antony, as well as her grandson-in-law, Calvin. Dorothy will be fondly remembered by her friends and relatives in Hong Kong and Canada.

With the peace from God that surpasses all understanding, our heart find comfort knowing that Dorothy is now at home with our Lord. In his message given at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. after the 9/11 attacks, Rev. Billy Graham said ““As a Christian, I have hope, not just for this life, but for heaven and the life to come. And many of those people who died this past week are in heaven now. And they wouldn’t want to come back. It’s so glorious and so wonderful. That is the hope for all of us who put our faith in God. I pray that you will have this hope in your heart.”

We put our faith in Jesus Christ and fill with the hope of joyous reunion in Heaven with all those who have gone to Heaven before us.

We pray that you also put your faith in Jesus Christ and have this hope in your heart. Amen!


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Agnes Leung (Daughter)

Entered June 22, 2022 from Markham




Betty & Alfred (MCPC Sister & Brother)

Entered June 23, 2022 from Markham


Grace Liu (Daughter)

Entered June 23, 2022

Mom, I love you!

Monica chu (School mate)

Entered June 23, 2022 from Hongkong

Dorothy I miss you,but you're always in my prayers.

Michael Lai (In Christ)

Entered June 23, 2022 from Totonto

She had peace in her heart. 心平氣和. She always wore a smile on her face. She showed the joy of the Holy Spirit inside her. She was a gentle person and nice to be with. It was a blessing to have known her and be a friend with her. We will meet one day in Heaven.

Life Stories 

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Agnes Leung (Mother / Daughter)

Entered June 22, 2022 from Toronto


廖辛淑娥女士, 是我們四兄弟姐妹的媽媽,籍貫是順德,1957年與爸爸結婚,媽媽育有四名子女,兩男兩女。媽媽在香港的工作是小學老師。退休後, 與父親於1993年由香港移居多倫多,她有5位兒孫 ,一位孫女婿。媽媽對兒女,兒孫付出的愛與關懷,遠遠超過我們所能給她的。

媽媽在基督化家庭長大。中學時代,她所屬的教會,中華基督教會公理堂,當時教會馬敬全牧師見她喜愛彈琴,就請自己的師母免費教她,從此,媽媽每天放學之後,就回到教會,用心練習電琴侍奉神。此外,當年她就讀的中學Maryknoll,每年升班時,老師都要求學生加入天主教, 媽媽不為所動, 拒絕從基督教信仰轉到信奉天主教。直至中學畢業,全級只有三位同學沒有歸入天主教,媽媽是其中之一。後來她的兩位同學都分別嫁給牧師了。雖然媽媽並沒有嫁給牧師,但媽媽其中的一位女婿是牧師。神真是奇妙!

媽媽到晚年,生活也是多姿多彩,每天早上必定聆聽聖詩, 為眾兒孫禱告 ,就像聖經中的約伯一樣, 然後才去做自己喜歡的事情。她有兩部平板電腦,輪流充電,用來玩Word Puzzle,玩遊戲,煲劇,玩Sudoku 達到最高的水平。媽媽緊貼潮流,學習新事物。最近一年多,她與姐姐 Grace,姐夫Paul一同居住,每天晚上一齊觀看Wheel Of Fortune ,Family Feud,也必定參加教會的查經班和團契。

 上帝給媽媽祝福滿滿,神在她身上有奇妙的作爲。早在2005年,她患上淋巴腫瘤白血病。醫生說,什麽都不用作,她仍可多活20年。2020年,神垂聽教會弟兄姐妹的禱告,使媽媽走出covid 病毒感染的死亡幽谷,她完全康復過來。這事提醒我們更要珍惜與媽媽相聚的機會。因此每早晨,我們有視頻通話,哥哥Stephen讀經分享,媽媽唱聖詩,背誦主禱文。住在香港的弟弟Robin為媽媽作曲,作詞。大家就為媽媽編印一本Liu’s family hymn book.



  在主耶穌基督裏,媽媽對生離死別,其實是非常看得透,放得低。因爲她全然信靠這位創造生命的主! 她滿足上主在她生命中一切的安排。 媽媽更期望主耶穌的慈愛,救恩臨到每一位親友,如此,相信主耶穌的人,就可以得享永遠與主同在的生命,與她及爸爸在天家再見。願主的救恩臨到你們和你們的家!


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