In memory of

胡新先生 San Hu

October 8, 1925 -  November 8, 2019

胡新先生于 1925 年 10 月 8 日 (農曆 8 月 20 日) 生於中國上海。胡新先生祖藉廣東順德縣。當年因他父親(胡世顯)到上海工作,所以他在上海出生後一直在上海供讀小學, 中學,和大學。他年少聰明勤力,於 1948 年畢業於上海大同大學化學工程系。是第 73 屆的畢業生。當時他只有 23 歲。畢業後便投入工作,並於 1949 年移民到香港。他在香港從事出入口生意,並先後創辦了美頓洋行和新海洋行 。並選址在中環的華人行舊址 。
胡新先生一生的至愛,除了太太黃寶楣女士及眾子女以外,便肯定是郵票。胡新先生從十三歲(1938年) 開始,便在上海研究和收藏郵票,至今已有 81 年 的經驗和累積了深厚的郵票知識。他是香港郵票錢幣商會的創會及永久會員,也擔任了多屆的理事會會長。他也是名譽主席和擔任裡事。他也曾被邀請到 “香港早晨” 電視節目,暢談郵票鑑証方面的知識。他於七十年代和數位郵票界老行專及好友羅宏益,李頌平,謝植勳創辦了 “華僑郵刊” 以非牟利為目的,希望可以普及集郵活動,傳播集郵知識,只問耕耘,不問收穫。胡新先生在香港集郵界備受尊崇,只因他精通中國和外國郵票新票和舊票,嚴如一個龐大而建立了80 年的知識庫。儘管如此,他為人謙厚,仁慈和非常樂意去分享其深厚的知識。亦因為如此,他在郵票行內也建立了很多同是愛好郵票的好朋友。
胡新先生于 1991 年移民到多倫多,享受退休生活,弄孫為樂。他跟太太,子女及孫兒們,一行十五人,經常到世界各地旅遊,盡享家庭樂,也留下了很多溫馨美好的回憶。
胡新先生壽終於 2019 年11 月 8 日,享年 94 歲。胡先生晚年身體仍然非常好,也活得寫意開心。 他一生受盡家人,親戚和朋友的愛戴,諉實一生無憾。我們會永遠的愛他和懷念他。願大家也一起分享他一生的喜悅。

Mr. San Hu ("San") was born on Oct 8, 1925 in Shanghai, China. His ancestors were from Shun Tak Province, in Guongdong. San's father moved to Shanghai for work in the early 1920’s and San grew up and studied primary and secondary school and university in Shanghai. San was very smart and hard-working. In 1948, at the age of 23, he graduated from Shanghai Daitung University with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He initially started working in Shanghai and then immigrated to Hong Kong with his family in 1949. He started two trading firms, Milton Trading and New Ocean Trading Company, that specialized in import/export of goods including steel, consumer staples, etc. His office was located in the Old China Building in Central, Hong Kong.
Apart from his loving wife, Stella Wong Po May and his family, San’s “true love” was definitively stamps. At the young age of 13 (1938), San developed an interest in stamps and started to research and collect them while he was in Shanghai. To date, he has accumulated over 81 years of expertise in stamp collection. Mr. San Hu is a founding and life time member of Hong Kong Stamp and Coin Dealer Association and an Honorary President.
Mr. San Hu was interviewed by HKTVB to discuss his expertise in stamp collection and stamp appraisals. In the 1970’s, San and several of his best philatelist friends, including Mr. Law, Mr. Lee and Mr. Tse, established a non-profit stamp magazine called Wah-Kiu Stamp Digest. The magazine's purpose was to promote awareness and interest in stamps to the youth and the public. Mr. San Hu is well respected in the Hong Kong philatelist community because he has over 80 years of knowledge in Chinese and international stamps, both new and old. San has always been very humble, kind and willing to share his abundant knowledge and passion in stamps. He has built many lasting friendships in the Hong Kong philatelist community.
In 1991, Mr. San Hu immigrated to Toronto, Canada to enjoy retirement and to spend more time with his family and grandchildren. He and his immediate family, totaling 15 people, have taken numerous family trips around the world. During these family vacations, the family made many loving memories that will be cherished forever.
Mr. San Hu passed away on November 8th, 2019 at the age of 94. He was well-loved by his wife, children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. He led a truly blessed and loving life. We sincerely hope that you can celebrate his life with us and we will love and miss him dearly.


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Harding Ng (Pastor & neighbour)

Entered November 12, 2019 from TCCC

May the soul of Mr. San Hu 胡新先生 rest in peace! May the eternal everlasting unchanging love of our Heavenly Father, the redemptive sacrificial grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the shalom peace, comfort & fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with Mrs. Stella Hu 胡黃寶楣女士 and all 4 children, all grandchildren with the fond memories of Mr. San Hu until that day of eternal rest, reunion, resurrection in Christ Jesus our Lord in His coming glorious return!

鄭志強 (誼男)

Entered November 12, 2019 from 香港

願您 主懷安息!
誼男 志強 躹躬

Ronald Poon (Newphew)

Entered November 12, 2019 from Toronto

We will miss Uncle San very much. I am very grateful when he helped my family move to Canada in 1997 by helping us choose a school and stay at his home while we get things sorted out. It was a pleasure to go yum-cha with him over the years and have him come over to take a nap while Stella and my parents sang!


Entered November 13, 2019


Mok Pui Chiu Terence (nephew)

Entered November 15, 2019 from Hong Kong


Life Stories 

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Benny Hu 

Entered November 11, 2019

...more information will be uploaded soon


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