In memory of

Radivoje Zizakovic

April 10, 1927 -  January 15, 2022

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Radivoje (Rade) Zizakovic. He was beloved by his friends and family. He grew up with three loving brothers Sreten, Dare and Milan, and three loving sisters, Dragina, Georgina and Drina. Son of Srecko and Ljubinka Zizakovic, he was a loving husband to Radovanka Zizakovic (Rada) whom he shared 56 years together. During those years, he became a father to Srecko and Ljubinko (Lubo) Zizakovic. He was a loving grandfather to four grandchildren, Milana, Maksim, George and Aleksa.

Radivoje was born on April 10, 1927, in Radosevo, then part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and current day Serbia. His childhood was extremely difficult at best, losing his mother Ljubinka at the age of six. As a single man, he moved to Paris France and then onto Palma de Mallorca, Spain. In 1963, with a suitcase and a small amount of savings, he immigrated to Canada. Rada came to marry him and start a family a short while later in the Toronto area. A tireless worker, he was a milling machinist who ended his working career manufacturing airplanes at de Havilland Aircraft of Canada Ltd. A craftsman in every sense, he was a master with tools. With strong ties to his homeland, he was a fixture in the Serbian community of southern Ontario. He loved company and admitted to being tricked into getting drunk once while in the army in Serbia. A strong family man, Rade was first and foremost a staunch Orthodox Christian whose faith grew along with his years.

A visitation will be held St. Sava Church, 203 River Street, Toronto on Saturday January 22nd from 11:30 - 12:30 pm. A funeral service will begin at 12:30. Interment will follow at York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road, Toronto, Section D. Maps will be provided to you following the funeral service.

He will be missed by all who knew him. May his memory be eternal. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donation be made to St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 203 River Street Toronto ON M5A 3P9. Donations can be eTransferred to or mailed directly.

Радивоје Жижаковић

10. април 1927 - 15. јануар 2022

Тешка срца објављујемо смрт Радивоја (Раде) Жижаковића. Био је вољен од својих пријатеља и породице. Одрастао је са три љубљена брата Сретена, Даре и Милана и три љубавне сестре Драгина, Георгина и Дрина. Био је син Срећка и Љубинке Жижаковић, био је љубавни супруг Радованке Жижаковић (Рада) са којом је заједно провео 56 година. Тих година је постао отац Срећка и Љубинка (Лубе) Жижаковића. Био је драги деда четворо унучади, Милани, Максиму, Ђорђу и Алекси.

Радивоје је рођен 10. априла 1927. године у Радошеву, тада у саставу Краљевине Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца и данашње Србије. Детињство му је било у најбољем случају изузетно тешко, изгубивши мајку Љубинку са шест година. Као самац, преселио се у Париз у Француској, а затим у Палма де Мајорку, Шпанија. 1963. године, са кофером и малом уштеђевином, емигрирао је у Канаду. Рада је дошла да се уда за њега и заснује породицу недуго касније у околини Торонта. Неуморни радник, био је глодалац који је своју радну каријеру завршио у производњи авиона у Де Хавилланд Аирцрафт оф Цанада Лтд. Занатлија у сваком смислу, био је мајстор са алатима. Са јаким везама са својом домовином, био је стални члан српске заједнице у јужном Онтарију. Волео је друштво и признао је да су га једном преварили да се напије, док је био у војсци у Србији. Снажан породичан човек, Раде је био пре свега стамени православни хришћанин чија је вера расла са годинама.

Недостајаће свима који су га познавали. Нека му је вјечна успомена. Породица моли да се уместо цвећа уплати донација Српској православној цркви Светог Саве, Ривер Стреет 203 Торонто ОН М5А 3П9. Донације се могу е-пренети на донације@светисаваторонто.орг или директно поштом.


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Gus Margou 

Entered January 20, 2022

We are deeply saddened. So many fond memories. From our spirited debates, political discussions and many talks on various subjects. We listened, respected and learned. Our family was his family. So much love he showed our family. Growing up alongside Mr. Zizakovic, we seen how brilliant he really was and knowledgeable on any subject. He taught us the value of hard work and appreciation of those around us. The times he corrected my attempts to speak Serbian and the times i was awakened by his sneeze. We will cherish his memory and keep Mr. Zizakovic close to our hearts. Tears fill my eyes as I write this. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Rest in Peace.
Athena, Alek, Lorraine and Gus

Mladjenovic family (Friends)

Entered January 21, 2022 from Toronto

Pocivaj u Miru dragi nas Rade!!! Ziveces uvek u nasem secanju.

Venera, Bran (Branislav) i Danny (Dragomir).

Helen Radovanovic and Family (Family Friend)

Entered January 21, 2022 from Thornhill

Our heart's are heavy with the loss of our kind, lively and spirited "Striko" Rade. He was a part of my family when my sister and I were growing up, after he came to Canada. He lived with us for a time as he was establishing his new life in Canada. I will always remember his warmth toward us and generosity in his attention, time and special presents. We remained close to him and his special family. Our deepest condolences to Teta Rada, Lubo and Srecko and their families. May his eternal love for you and all the good memories bring you comfort and strength.

Vida Radovanovic (Family friend)

Entered January 21, 2022 from Toronto

Rada, Srecko, Lubo and families, Our prayers and sincere condolences for the passing of your dear husband, father and grandfather. We have wonderful cherished memories of our dear friend Rade and our families since coming to Canada. Forever in our hearts. Memory Eternal.
Staka and Vida

Vasilios Margou and Family (Family Friend)

Entered January 21, 2022 from Aurora, Ontario

May our prayer comforts you. We are praying that the light of God's face shine on you in this difficult time. Your loss deeply saddens us. Eternal rest grant unto his soul. Amen.


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