In memory of

莊小慧女士 Paula Siu Wai Jon

February 6, 1975 -  April 6, 2021

No obituary currently exists.


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Theresa Truong (Friend)

Entered April 12, 2021 from Toronto

Thank you, Paula for your dedication to all that you do. Our Legio days have impressed on me and guided many of my days. I trust that you are in the presence of God, and I pray that your boys continue to feel your love from above. Rest in peace.

C Yuen (Friend)

Entered April 12, 2021

Rest in peace, Paula.

Birgi (Friend)

Entered April 13, 2021

❤️Miss you so much Paula
May u Rest In Peace

Daphane NG (Friend)

Entered April 14, 2021 from Hong Kong

實在好難去形容失去你嘅感覺,你總是帶俾我一種好高EQ嘅感覺,時時刻刻都想好似你咁做一個唔好太衝動嘅人. 每次同你一齊總有說不完嘅話題,還記得同你一齊大肚嘅時候,彷彿是昨天嘅事情. 我相信冥冥中早有嘅決定,你只係俾我哋早一步離開,我哋一定會喺另一個世界再做好朋友。

雖然好唔捨得,但人生總要面對,喺呢度我同你講一聲再見,並不是同你說bye bye, 只係代表我哋一定會再見面😘😘😘

Nicholas Power (Colleague)

Entered April 14, 2021 from TORONTO

Paula was a joy to work with. My thoughts and prayers are with all loved ones. Rest in Peace Paula.


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