In memory of

Karol Brynczka

October 18, 1968 -  September 25, 2016

Karol Brynczka passed away peacefully in hospital on September 25th, 2016. He was always a hard-working person to make sure that he provided the best for his three sons and family. Although Karol is not with us in body, he will aways be with us in spirit.

Karol Brynczka zmarł spokojnie w szpitalu w dniu 25 września 2016. Był zawsze ciężko pracujących osób, aby upewnić się, że pod warunkiem, że najlepiej dla swoich trzech synów i rodziny. Chociaż Karol nie jest z nami w ciele, będzie z nami zawsze z duchem.


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Tania and Andrew walker (Cousins)

Entered September 28, 2016

So sorry to hear about this. thinking of you all. Rest in peace Lolek.

Michal Jach (Friend)

Entered September 29, 2016 from Calgary


Lazzara Family (Friends)

Entered October 1, 2016

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. With our deepest condolence.
God bless you all in the coming days. That you will remain strong.
We are so grateful that you always welcomed our boys into your home. Daniel & Adrian
In at the most time that our eldest son Daniel needed a door opened
you opened the door and welcomed him in. Thank you

Your friends Daniel , Adrian and parents Claudio & Ornella


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