In memory of

Juyan Chen

July 15, 1940 -  September 21, 2017



承慈命,兹定于2017年9月30日(星期六)在爱恩墓园殡仪馆(Elgin Mills Cemetery and Visitation Center, "York" Room, 1591 Elgin Mills Rd E, Richmond Hill) 举办出殡仪式,9时吊唁,10时追悼,11时半行殡。之后在百福名厨(Richlane Chinese Cuisine, 9425 Leslie St,, Richmond Hill), 略备薄筵酬谢宾客。


不孝男: 陈彪
不孝女: 陈娜




It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Juyan Chen (born in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China, on August 26, 1940, lunar date July 23rd) at the lunar age of 78, in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, surrounded by family and loved ones.

The funeral will be held at Elgin Mills Cemetery and Visitation Center, at 1591 Elgin Mills Rd E., Richmond Hill, in the York Room, on Saturday, September 30, 2017. The schedule is as follows:

9:00 am - Visitation
10:00 am – Funeral
11:30 am – Burial

Afterwards, a reception will take place at Richlane Chinese Cuisine, at 9425 Leslie St., in Richmond Hill.


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Richard Chen (Grandson)

Entered September 24, 2017 from Vaughan

I did not know him well but he raised my father and aunt and he made my grandmother happy. He was talented in the arts and educated in the sciences. He will be missed by many in our family.