In memory of

Jose Tomas Martinez

November 2, 1911 -  August 8, 2022

The extraordinary life of José Tomás Martínez was nothing short of legendary.

He passed away on August 8, 2022, at the age of 110, having lived a long, prosperous life, touching and shaping the lives of his large family and friends. A humble man with an incredible memory and boundless curiosity, Tomás lived a pragmatic life with a deep respect for tradition and family. A man of firm character and fairness he was a hardworking and loyal husband. He had many gifts but perhaps his greatest achievement was as the pillar of his great family. We are lucky to have joined Tomas on his life journey and will remember his optimism, inner strength, and wisdom for generations to come.

父親與病魔拼搏咗几個星期 最終于8月8日與世長辭。
在病情期間父親因前列腺腫大而入院 經醫院撿查和主診醫生診斷,醫治和復康機會渺茫 醫生表示 一、按照醫療程序,父親可能會在几天或是一 二個星期去世 但是他會非常痛苦 因為病毒已經擴散 二、是打針讓佢安祥而去 當時自己聽后難以接受 因父親入院時是非常清醒的,所以認為就是有一線生機 我們都全力以赴 醫生尊重我們的意見 展開醫療程序 期間有打葡萄糖、消炎劑和輸血 但係父親身不吸收 輸血一樣有問題 而且期間父親是非常痛苦 掙扎緊 有時將養氣罩扯開 將針管除掉 睇到父親痛苦 我哋相议就同佢打止痛針 其實就是中文(氫嗎啡酮)英文(hydromorphone)有止痛和昏迷作用 打后睇到父親安詳啲經過一日兩日父親離開了。
在父親留院期間我哋嘅family個個都懷着十分悲傷嘅心情去探望佢 對佢非常之敬佩,個個都熱泪滿眶 在此我非常感激 感謝大家!
父親是一個 誠以待人、嚴以律己之人, 就是一個誠誠實實助人為樂,從不生非之人 不講是是非非 對每個人都咁好。
在生活中 作息按時 飲食制量 ,做事有條有理 愛乾淨 講清潔 穿着清补齊整、所以佢年歲咁大 得到英女皇、加拿大總理、市長的獎狀 這高尚的品德是我們後輩引以爲傲!
父親生前為我哋就造咗幸福嘅生活 帶給我們大家無數歡樂 逢年過節、生日party、我哋大家都相聚一堂非常之開心 各人自帶精緻美食 分享不同嘅廚藝 發紅包 斗利是 使我們明白稱呼禮節 發揚中華文化 將中華文化源遠留存 使我們大家更加團結 !
父親離開了 然而佢嘅精神因我們存在而永垂不朽!銘刻在我們大家心中!
親愛的父親 一路走好! 安息吧!

細孝子 張國強 Paul Cheung

Dear brothers, relatives, guests and friends:
It is with great sadness that we attend my father's funeral today.

My father battled with his illness for several weeks before finally passing away on August 8th. When he was initially admitted to the hospital, the attending doctor informed us that the prognosis was not good because they discovered that his organs were failing. The doctor provided only two options: 1) He could live a few more days or at most 1-2 weeks with the assistance of medical intervention, but he would be in a lot of pain. Or 2) An injection can be provided to him to allow him to pass away peacefully. At that time, it was difficult for me to accept it because my father was coherent when he was admitted to the hospital, so I wanted to believe the silver lining that if we simply followed medical interventions, he could defeat this illness and return to good health as he has many times before. The doctor agreed with our decision to try by beginning with medical intervention and treatment. During this period, they gave my father glucose, anti-inflammatory drugs and blood transfusions, but his condition was not improving. With every passing day, my father continued to persevere though he was in notable pain. Sometimes I would need to remove the oxygen mask and needle tube after seeing how much pain my father was in. In the end, it was difficult watching our father in so much pain, so together all of us - his children had a video conference and unanimously decided, we needed to elect option 2 and provide him with a painkiller injection so that he wouldn’t be in pain any longer. The painkiller, in Chinese called 氫嗎啡酮 and hydromorphone in English, had analgesic and coma effects. Giving him the painkiller allowed him to calmly rest and peacefully pass away 1-2 days after.

While my father was in the hospital, all of our family visited him with great sadness. We were all full of tears upon seeing him. Nonetheless, I am very grateful and thankful to see that so many people had made the time to come and see him!

My father is a man who treats others with sincerity, is strict with himself, is an honest and helpful individual. He never said one was right or wrong and treated everyone well and with kindness.

In life, he was a man of routine, he worked and rested at the same time daily, ate and drank in moderation and did things in an orderly manner. He also valued cleanliness, talked about cleanliness, dressed neatly, and all of these traits - contributed to reasons why he was able to live to such an old age. These milestones so rare that he was recognized by the Queen of England, the Prime Minister of Canada, Governor General of Canada and the Mayor of Mississauga. This noble character is the pride of our younger generation!

My father created a happy life for all of us during his lifetime and brought us all countless joy. We were all very happy when we all together during Chinese New Year, birthday parties, and other festivities. Everyone brought their own exquisite food and shared their different cooking skills. Doing things like handing out red envelopes allowed us to understand, carry forward, and preserve our Chinese culture, making us all more united!

My father is gone but his spirit is immortalized by our existence! Engraved in our hearts!

Dear father, farewell! Rest in peace!

Thank you all!
Sincerely, 張國強 Paul Cheung


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殷国权 (外孙)

Entered August 10, 2022 from 巴拿马


Chun Martinez (Grandson)

Entered August 10, 2022 from Miami

Pillar of the family for many decades. His longevity was the stabilizing force that keep the family together. Now his memories and teachings will continue to do so.

Charles Chan 

Entered August 10, 2022 from Mississauga, ON

Sincerest condolence from my family to yours.


Entered August 10, 2022


Likgwang tsai (Friend)

Entered August 11, 2022 from Wintervilke NC



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