In memory of

保陳蔚遐太夫人Janice Wei Ha Po

June 3, 1925 -  September 28, 2016

Passed away peacefully on September 28, 2016. Wife of Charles, Mother to Eunice, Betty and Ian, Grandmother to Jessica, Alexander, Derek, Courtney and Justin. Special thanks to caregiving staff at Sunnybrook PCU - Dr. Wortzman, Rubina and Magda. In addition, care given by personal support workers Ah Dan, Ah Ping, and Ah Han is much appreciated.

A registered nurse herself during her younger years, Janice often received compliments and praise from families of patient she cared for. At home, she was a caring wife, mother and grandmother. She was also loyal friend and co-worker to many in Hong Kong and Toronto.

While Janice will be sorely missed by all, we take comfort knowing that she is resting in God's arms, free from all pains and sufferings.

Donations can be made on this website - donation section in memory of MRS JANICE WEI HA PO
(Sunnybrook Foundation - Palliative Care Unit)


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Andrew and Vicky Pao (Niece)

Entered September 29, 2016 from Orlando, Florida, USA

很高興有機會參加你的90大壽慶典和濟濟一堂高興相聚。丈夫關愛子女孝順夫復何求?你的儀容對我們的關愛永存我們的心。 延昭,惠姬

延宁、帼华 (侄儿、侄媳)

Entered September 30, 2016 from 中国广州



延宁 (婶侄)

Entered September 30, 2016 from 中国广州



侄儿 延宁 2016.09.30


Entered September 30, 2016

黯悉五婶辞世,不胜惋悼,哀伤难舍。 记得去年才有幸参加五婶的九十大寿喜宴,席间也交谈甚欢。忆起这几年与五婶的多次见面,五婶的仁慈、重情,令人十分难忘,十分敬重。其情之深,仁之厚,一切一切仿如昨天,怎不感念畴昔。在此敬致深切慰唁之际,谨盼你并通过你望五叔与家人节哀顺应。 延熙、妙贤上。9月29日午

David & Annette Yeung (Friends of Betty)

Entered September 30, 2016 from Toronto

I still remember the happy smilies on Auntie's face every time I bumped into her, very often, in restaurants in Toronto. Her friendly hello & her happiness on her face , I know she enjoys her meals very much with her loved ones. Thinking that Auntie is now in a world where she doesn't feel any more pain & she has no worries, Betty & Ron , you can fell relieved.

Life Stories 

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Ian (Son)

Entered September 29, 2016 from Toronto

Please copy and paste following URL and watch 6-minute YouTube video


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