In memory of

James Vincent Hughes

May 25, 1922 -  August 11, 2017

Jim passed away in his 96th year, with his loving wife Patricia and son Robert (Cathie) by his side at North York General Hospital on Friday, August 11, 2017.
Jim retired from the Scarborough Board of Education as a dedicated, proud school principal known for his love of music, student operettas and school choirs. Most of all, Jim loved to sing and his tenor voice rang out at every chance. Jim was a leader who loved life. His kindness and generosity will be sadly missed. Friends may call at PINE HILLS CEMETERY & FUNERAL CENTRE, 625 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough (north of St. Clair Ave. E., 416-267-8229) on Wednesday August 16, 2017 from 7-9p.m. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday August 17th, 2017 at 2:00pm. Interment to follow. Friends are invited to sign the “Book of Condolences” at

“To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die” –J.Campbell


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Cathie Poynter (Daughter-in-law)

Entered August 14, 2017 from Toronto

A life well-lived with love and compassion, and in caring for others; a gentle soul with a hilarious wit, interests in literature, music, art, travel, others, always seeking to learn and develop. Best father in law; well-loved by many. Jimmy we will miss you, always.
Much love!

Desiree Francis (Friend of Rob's and Cathie's)

Entered August 14, 2017 from Toronto

I will always remember with great fondness my lunch with Jim and Pat, and Cathie and Rob in Paris. It was a great day and I especially remember how well the restaurant's staff knew Jim. It spoke so much of who the man was and the joy he gave. I don't remember how long we dined together but I do know I had a wonderful time. I am honoured to have had this opportufnity, enjoying life with Jim, on a lovely summer's day in Paris.

Wesley & Muriel Warden (friends and colleagues in Education)

Entered August 15, 2017 from Scarborough

We have very fond memories of social gatherings,enjoying the company of Jim & Pat. We are so pleased to have visited with them, recently, at their home . It was a gathering of a few old friends so happy to be hosted by Pat , to enjoy a musical interlude that pleased Jim and to chat again with colleagues from Scarborough Board .

Jule Desjardine (Vice Principal at Cornell)

Entered August 15, 2017 from Haliburton

I am sorry to hear of Jim's passing. Jim was a significant mentor during my time with him at Cornell. His sense of humour, knowledge of child development and his advice to a young vice principal were just a few of my memories. I continued to admire this fine man and accomplished educator throughout the years. My sincere condolences.
Jule Desjardine

Susan Hughes (second cousin)

Entered August 15, 2017 from London

Jim was a wonderful cousin whom Violet ( Rudychuk ) will sadly miss. Many fond memories of Jim will last a lifetime. Jim's kindness will always be remembered.

Violet, Susan, Carolyn, Jim, Darryl, Wayne, Fran, Thomas, Richard, Bill, Nancy, Billy-Jack.


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