In memory of

Jack Chor Jung

July 15, 1944 -  February 6, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, attendance at the visitation and funeral service is by invitation only however the funeral service will be livestreamed for public viewing on Saturday, February 13th, 2021 at 10 am. (a link will be available on Jack’s memorial page at 9 a.m.).

Family and friends are encouraged to leave condolence messages through Jack’s memorial page. Thank you for your understanding, kindness and support during this difficult time.

鍾植初的訃聞 (訃告)
鍾植初(字爾謀), 於2021年2月6日因腦膜炎於家人陪同下安詳离世, 享年76歲。他祖籍廣東新會, 出生於1944年7月15日 – 鍾功厚和黃雙寶之幼子。
當時祖國仍在抗日戰爭中。其後經歷國共內戰,解放, 抗美援朝, 令他和母親飽受飢餓苦难。和平後(二戰後), 他父親返回加拿大謀生, 兄長亦很快跟隨。他和母親相依為命, 過著艱難的生活。
他年輕時經歷上山下鄉的日子, 特別是1962年的大饑荒最為難忘。 他在1964年離開家鄉和挚愛的母親, 於澳門打拼了兩年, 於1966年秋天, 独自一人漂洋过海移民到加拿大, 而他母亲独自一人留在家鄉生活。
来到加拿大之初他一毛分文, 随后开始在厨房做學徒。之後和太太一起經營餐館, 歷時30余年之久。每天工作時間很長而辛苦, 他最遺憾的是没有時間陪同兒女而錯过那些快樂的時光。
他和妻子結婚40餘年經歷各種風風雨雨。於他晚年, 最開心的就是見到兒子成家立室。其次就是有幸認識到張老闆和他的太太以及其他員工。在過去八年的工作中, 張老闆的店就像他的第二個家一样, 張老闆和他甚至超越了老板和員工的关系, 和其他同事等同一個大家庭。
他留下了妻子, 三個兒女以及兒媳, 三個兒孫。

Jack’s Obituary – A Bitter Sweet Life

Jack Chor Jung passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 6, 2021 at the age of 76, surrounded by his immediate family. He passed away after falling ill to meningitis.

Of humble origins, Jack was born in Xinhui county of Guangdong province, China, on 15th July 1944, the third and youngest son of Gunghow Jung (father) and Song Boo Wong (mother). Born in the midst of the Sino-Japanese War (World War II – Pacific theatre), he and his eldest brother managed to survive the war. Jack endured great hardship growing up in Postwar China. His dad and brother soon left for Canada, leaving behind him and his mother to tend to one another. As a youngster, Jack lived through the sufferings caused by the Chinese Civil War, the Communist takeover, and the various erratic political movements under Mao’s regime. The most memorable was the famine of 1962 in which he and his mother nearly died from starvation. His youth was marked by poverty, famine and lack of a basic education.

Seeking for a better life, Jack first took his chances in neighbouring Macau, leaving behind his beloved mother. After two years, in 1966, he got the opportunity to immigrate to Canada. Like most Chinese immigrants of the time, he arrived in Canada penniless. The challenges of making a living in a new country are immense, but Jack was not afraid and worked extremely hard to make it work. He started out as a trainee working in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant learning the art of cooking “Chinese-Canadian” food that would suit the Canadian palette. Soon after mastering his craft he proudly opened his first restaurant “Castle Dragon Restaurant” and began running the restaurant for the next 30 plus years. He was a chef that was known to give. Dishes were always piled up like a mountain and Jack enjoyed seeing his guests walking home full and happy.

Jack’s deep commitment to work did not in any way diminish in his retirement years. He helped out at a small neighbourhood restaurant as a way to share his passion for food. Jack lived and breathed every moment at this small restaurant, so much that it soon became his home away from home, and the colleagues there are akin to his own family. He soon found the kindred spirit in Papa Chang himself. A special thank you to the team at Papa Chang’s for your kind hearts and endless waves of support and care for him the past 8 years. The family is appreciative that he met such a good group of people to keep him company.

Apart from work, Jack loved traveling with his family and spent his free time gardening, playing with his grandchildren, and finding new foods for his family to try. Jack is survived by his wife of over 40 years, his son, daughter-in-law, two daughters, three grandchildren, and his eldest brother. Jack was a caring father, husband, grandfather, and a friend to everyone. He is not a man of words, but rather a man of action, and his memory will forever carry on.


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Josephine Ho (Co-worker)

Entered February 11, 2021 from Toronto

你靜靜的走了... 我有千萬的不捨也要面對! 每天一聲"早晨"...換來是你"燦爛的笑容"... 有時候又調皮得像一個小孩 : 我D外賣得未呀?! 哈哈! 你實在太可愛啊... 願你無牽無掛! 一路好走! 永遠懷念你!


Regine Lam (Niece)

Entered February 11, 2021 from Toronto

I have a very treasured memory of Uncle Jack in the rare times I saw him. When I was young tot, Grandma would take me on small trips; to the convenience store, to the dollar shop, and once, to Uncle Jack’s family restaurant. We went inside to meet Dai Guu Chae, who was serving up lemon meringue pie to a customer. Somehow, perhaps Sonia or Karen was also there – I was led to the back kitchen, where I saw a glimpse of Uncle Jack bustling around and chopping onions with deft movements. I don’t remember anymore what was said in that time while I watched Uncle Jack at work, but that moment of watching a grown-up in his element was fascinating to me. I was not at an age to understand the hardships of Chinese immigrants, but now I can say that Uncle Jack has lived a full life that came full circle. My thoughts and condolences go to his family during this difficult time.

Olivia Chan (Niece)

Entered February 11, 2021 from Hong Kong

Rest in peace.
Remember you always!

Alice Chan (Sister-in-law)

Entered February 12, 2021 from Toronto

Jack I miss you very much. I miss the fond memories from the great food you cooked for me and my family when we visited at Castle Dragon. The huge burger, Cantonese Chow Mein, minced pork with lobster sauce on rice. These all come with big portion and a lot of flavor that only an experienced chef like you can create. Jack you are a hard working man and you successfully raised a good family. We love you and are proud of you. Rest in peace. You will always be in our mind.

Edward Lam (Brother in law)

Entered February 12, 2021 from Markham

Jack is the very first person I know in Canada. Over the years, I rarely see him take a break and relax. Always busy at work and building up his family. Today, his family is nothing but a shiny medal of his remarkable achievement of lifetime of hard work!
Always on my mind; forever in my heart. Rest in peace.

Life Stories 

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Yen Chang (Jack's manager)

Entered February 10, 2021

在我的心裡,Jack 和我的關係不僅僅是老闆跟夥記,相信Jack 也很清楚的知道,他跟我的關係更像是良師益友,明著看是我教他出餐做菜,暗地裡我卻是從Jack身上學到了很多為人處事的態度。如果已茶來形容Jack的為人, 我會想到陳年普爾來譬喻,溫潤沉香經久耐泡不傷腸胃。如果要再用幾個字形容他的做工態度,我則會用"人狠話不多" 來形容,他總是默默的做,也從不說三道四,從來也不落人口舌。

還記得剛開店半年那時的某個午後,Jack 嫂陪著Jack來應徵工作,那時候的Jack是來應徵洗碗工的,由於生意才剛剛趨向收支平衡的狀態之下,所以給Jack開了一個不高的工資,可是Jack也不介意的接受了,那時的工作環境真的不能用舒適來形容,夏天廚房沒有冷氣,冬天暖氣又不夠,最糟糕的是還常常不夠熱水,就連洗廚具都需要在爐頭燒開水過去洗碗水槽,而這種日子持續了將近快半年。Jack從不喊累說苦,更總是和我們分享他過去工作的點點滴滴,我們也直至那時才知道,原來Jack是退休後覺得無聊才出來再找工作!

Jack從來沒有請過病假,只有為了去參加女兒的畢業典禮和兒子結婚時才真正請過假。Jack也絕少跟我提過想要什麼東西,除了"茶葉" (因為他說Jack嫂喜歡喝茶。)跟月曆(都是為了家人才開口的)。

跟Jack 相處了8年以來,發現Jack 對他家人的好,對孫子的寵,對太太的體貼,對之前一起打拚那班夥記的長情關心,對退休後這份工作的熱忱上心,還有每年逢年過節時都會送上水果給我們過年,我銘記於心,感恩感謝命運安排讓Jack和我相遇,想寫的... 想說的... 寫不完也訴不盡,最後最後,讓我們為你啟禱...

南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶.南無阿唎耶,婆盧羯帝爍缽囉耶.菩提薩埵婆耶. 摩訶薩埵婆耶.摩訶迦盧尼迦耶.唵,薩皤囉罰曳.數怛那怛寫.南無 悉吉慄埵伊蒙阿唎耶.婆盧吉帝室佛囉愣馱婆.南無那囉謹墀.醯利摩訶 皤哆沙咩.

薩婆阿他豆輸朋,阿逝孕,薩婆薩哆那摩婆薩哆,那摩婆伽,摩罰特豆. 怛姪他.唵,阿婆盧醯.盧迦帝.迦羅帝.夷醯唎.摩訶菩提薩埵, 薩婆薩婆.摩囉摩囉,摩醯摩醯唎馱孕.俱盧俱盧羯蒙.度盧度盧罰闍耶帝. 摩訶罰闍耶帝.陀囉陀囉.地唎尼.室佛囉耶.

遮囉遮囉.摩麼罰摩囉.穆帝隸.伊醯伊醯.室那室那.阿囉參佛囉舍利. 罰沙罰參.佛囉舍耶.呼嚧呼嚧摩囉.呼嚧呼嚧醯利.娑囉娑囉,悉唎悉唎. 蘇嚧蘇嚧.

菩提夜菩提夜.菩馱夜菩馱夜.彌帝唎夜.那囉謹墀.地利瑟尼那.波夜摩那 .娑婆訶.悉陀夜.娑婆訶.摩訶悉陀夜.娑婆訶.悉陀喻藝.室皤囉耶. 娑婆訶.那囉謹墀.娑婆訶.摩囉那囉.娑婆訶.悉囉僧阿穆佉耶,娑婆訶. 娑婆摩訶阿悉陀夜.娑婆訶.

者吉囉阿悉陀夜.娑婆訶.波陀摩羯悉陀夜.娑婆訶.那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶. 娑婆訶.摩婆利勝羯囉夜.娑婆訶.南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶,南無阿唎耶. 婆嚧吉帝.爍皤囉夜.娑婆訶.唵,悉殿都.漫多囉.跋陀耶,娑婆訶.


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