In memory of

Georgeta (Geta) Roua

July 15, 1930 -  August 19, 2020

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Georgeta on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at the age of 90. She joins her beloved late husband Constantin and parents Nicolae and Ecaterina. She was the beloved mother of Bogdan George and Cristina and the cherished grandmother of Nicholas and Sabina.
Geta was grateful for her family, always happy to see her grand kids. She loved to teach, loved children and was very happy to see them succeed. She loved to read, paint, sing in the church choir and take care of the garden. She was ambitious, very passionate in everything she did and had faith in God and people. She will be missed and forever in our prayers.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions, attendance for the visitation and service will be by private invitation.
As a gesture of sympathy and in lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial donation to the Alzheimer’s Society of York Region in Geta’s memory.


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Mihaela and Radu Mecea (Friends of the family)

Entered August 21, 2020 from Thornhill

May God forgive her and rest her in Peace!
Sincere Condoleante!

Blaga Ciprian 

Entered August 22, 2020 from Craiova

Dumnezeu să o odihnească !
Sincere condoleanțe

Berinde Family (Friend)

Entered August 22, 2020 from Richmond Hill

Dumnezeu sa o inerte si sa o odihneasca in pace. Condoleanțe întregii familii.

Lavinia Serbanescu (Friend)

Entered August 22, 2020 from Richmond Hill

Draga Bogdan, Alina, Sabina Si Nicholas .

Suntem alaturi de voi in duh Si rugaciune in aceste momente de tristete marcate de trecerea in eternitate a mamei Geta. Bunul Dumnezeu sa o ierte si sa o primeasca cu bratele Lui pline de iubire Si caldura in impartia Lui.
Ne aducem cu drag aminte de clipele frumoase petrecute cu ea, de dragostea ei pentru familie Si pasiunea pentru pictura . Si acum ne uitam cu drag la tabloul pe care l-a pictat Si I I-a daruit mamei de ziua ei . Ioan 11:25 -27 Isus i-a zis: „Eu sunt învierea şi viaţa. Cine crede în Mine, chiar dacă ar fi murit, va trăi. 26 Şi oricine trăieşte şi crede în Mine nu va muri niciodată. Crezi lucrul acesta?” 27 „Da, Doamne”, I-a zis ea, „cred că Tu eşti Hristosul, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, care trebuia să vină în lume”.
Fie ca Dumnezeu mangaierii sa va umple inimile de pace si speranta
Permiteti-mi sa spun aceasta binecuvantare peste voi : Romani 15:13 “ Iar Dumnezeul nadejde sa va umple de orice bucurie si de pace in a crede , ca sa prisositi in nadejde, prin puterea Duhului Sfant “ .

Mihaela & Eugen Murariu (Friend)

Entered August 23, 2020 from Richmond Hill

Please accept our genuine condolences in this difficult time for you and your family. Loss of a Mother is a significant loss. We share your pain and are here for you.

Mihaela & Eugen


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