In memory of

周伍清秀太夫人 Ching Sau Ng

February 21, 1923 -  June 5, 2017

周伍清秀太夫人 Ching Sau Ng
February 21, 1923 - June 5, 2017
Passed away peacefully at North York General Hospital, Toronto, with her family by her side on Monday, June 5, 2017 in her 94th year. She was predeceased by her husband, Fung Siu. Ching Sau will always be remembered as an awesome mom to Pauline Tsui Ha (Yet Pan),and Mike (Diana), loving grandmother to Edward, David, Allan, Richard, Paul and Aaron, as well as loving great grandmother to Deanna, Amanda, Michaela, and Isabelle.

Visitation at the York Funeral Centre (160 Beecroft Rd., North York, M2N 5Z5) on Tuesday, June 20th from 10m - 11 am. A Funeral Service will be held immediately afterwards on Tuesday at 11am. Interment to follow at York Cemetery.

Reception to follow at 1.30 pm in Dragon Pearl Buffet at 865 York Mills Road, Unit 2, M3B 1Y6.

我們敬愛的母親周伍清秀女士於2017年6月5日(星期一)辭逝於多倫多北約克全科醫院,安息主懷,享年94歲。孝女翠霞(婿日盼) 、孝子民華(媳勵英) 偕眾孫兒 Edward, David, Allan, Richard, Paul, Aaron 及各曾孫女 Deanna, Amanda, Michaela, Isabelle 數十年來深受母愛,愧劬勞未報,惟緊記親恩,永遠懷念。
謹定於2017年6月20日(星期二) 上午假約克殯儀中心 (York Cemetery Centre - 160 Beecroft Rd., North York, M2N 5Z5) 舉行喪禮, 10時至11時弔唁慰問,11時安息禮拜,隨即安葬約克墓園。禮成後、安慰午餐於1時30分設於龍珠自助餐廳 (Dragon Pearl Buffet - 865 York Mills Road, Unit 2, North York, ON M3B 1Y6) 。


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David and Linda Wong 

Entered June 14, 2017

Dear Mike, Diana, Paul, Aaron and family,

We send our deepest sympathy. Very sorry for your loss. We sincerely apologize for not being able to attend Auntie's funeral as Linda is leaving for Australia on that day, exactly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

David & Linda

Katy Chau (friend at church)

Entered June 16, 2017 from Toronto

Michael & Family:

My sincere condolences to you and family. "Chow Mou" was one of the nicest elder sisters I have known in Caleb Fellowship. She always participated and supported all activities organized by the Fellowship team as much as she could. She and her special "kissing touch" will be missed!!

Katy Chau (RHCCC)

Life Stories 

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Michael Chow (Son)

Entered June 14, 2017 from Toronto

My mom, a great mom

In my heart, and in my mind, mom was, is, and will continue being, a great mom.

Mom is just an average person, from her appearance, her verbal skill, and her education.

But it is not who mom was. It is what she did, and the circumstances she did in, that her larger-than-life characters that have shaped and molded me, right from my childhood to what I am now.

Let me illustrate events that I am owed and humbled by her action and circumstances:

1. My father past away when I was very small. Being the only son in the family, I was pampered with much attention and material indulgence, and I did not remember too much of my childhood because everything else seemed was uneventful enough.

Yet, something changed soon. I recalled vividly that I lined up in a queue, waiting to board a large ship with mom. There was a Chinese naval soldier lining up right behind us. Not only that he was tall, and physically imposing, I was taken aback by his tough look, and his stoic facial expression. Mom spotted right away that I was spooked. Her first reaction was that she hugged me with a full embrace, telling me softly that she was here, and everything would be OK. Then she stood up, smiled and talked to the soldier. What then transpired was then the soldier smiled, talked to me, and played with me (This was the time when I learnt the marching steps).

From the surface, this event is not out of ordinary, as it happens daily everywhere. Yet mom, who lived in a time when and in a society, where, being a young widow, and being a woman, was always at a disadvantage, was quick to assess, diffuse, and turned a potentially unpleasant situation into a memorial occasion.

I have a pleasant personality, able to look at people, smile at them, and strike a conversation. Every now and then, I try to ask how I come to possess such a character. Now I should say that mom’s handling of the soldier incident must have a lot of influence on me.

2. Mom started investing early. She invested smart too, realising that with many people moving from China and settled in Hong Kong, there would be much demand for real estate properties there.

Not only did mom invest for an appreciation in the value of real estate properties, she managed the properties too for a rental income.

For my real estate instinct, and my landlord experience today, I should say that mom must have a played an early and important role and influence for me.

3. I bought my first house in 1981, when there was the Gulf war, pushing the interest rate to 17%.

Mom talked me into buying my first house.

In most people’s mind, including my own thinking at that moment, buying a house was a crazy idea, because the mortgage payment would and could be detrimental.

I remembered our vivid conversation as follows:

Mom: “Why is the interest rate so high?”

Me: “Because there is a war in the Gulf area, and people afraid the oil supply may be cut off, affecting everything in our daily life.”

Mom: “Ok. There is a war. Would you believe the war would last forever?”

Me: I hesitated, stumbling to form my opinion for a minute.

Mom: “Mike, I have lived through the WWII, and the Japanese invasion. The war stopped and was over in about eight years. The Gulf war is relatively smaller in scale. How long would you think the Gulf war would last?”

Me: “Two to three years?”

Mom: “Good. When the war is over, would the interest rate come down?

Me: “Oh, yes, mom, it would.”

Mom: “If interest rate comes down, the house value would go up. Agree?”

Me: “Yes, mom.”

Mom: “If interest rate is so high today, so, you would thing the house price would be at a bottom now. Agree?”

Me: “Yes, mom.”

Mom: “You can buy a house cheap today, and you see that the house will gain much value soon. Go and buy a house now. But prepare for some sacrifice in your daily life for the high mortgage payment for a few years”.

The Gulf war was over in 2 years, and my house appreciated almost double in four years.

Wow, mom had a middle school education only, and yet she was far ahead of my financial knowledge, even with my university education.

I should say that mom must have played an important role in shaping my investment instinct in analyzing and spotting buy opportunities, when and where costs would be low, and recovery would come soon.

4. Mom has been a faithful believer in our Lord Jesus. In the last four years when I helped her with the insulin injection, I observed her daily intense and diligent prayers. Even In the week before her death, mom, continued faithfully praying to our Lord. She asked for worry free for all of us in our families, and asked for Lord’s consent to bear all our burdens.

Yes, mom, I promise to carry on your faithful and genuine prayers.

Mom, you are great. Have a good rest now, and we will see each other and re-unite in heaven.

Ying Seid (God daughter)

Entered June 20, 2017 from Toronto

Tribute to Ng Ching Sau, God mom
She invited me into her family more than 40 years ago. A strong woman with a generous heart. She loved to hold the conversation and I loved to listen. She could be tough and so she needed to be to bring her own two children to where they were and are today.
If she loved you, you could get away with things. She would teach you and let you know her way was the best way. In many instances she was right.
She became best friends with my sister, my mother and my aunt. She became totally involved in my life and indeed treated me very much like her own daughter. She would come to my office and let everyone know that she was my godmother, my real godmother since we had a dinner celebration to mark the event.
She was blessed, she got baptized. Her involvement in the church and with her friends there gave her much happiness. In the last few years, her health became an issue. Fortunately Michael was there for her and for him learning about diabetes was an experience.
Michael has proven to be the best son in the world with his dedication, patience, and love. In the last few years he provided security and care to god mom, bringing her to live in his home where Diana, Paul and Aaron reminded her daily the blessing of life and family. She was so proud of all her grandchildren.
I became part of her family, very much so. I even went out to Vancouver, probably more times than Michael to visit my god sister and get acquainted with my cousins there.
Generosity was her second nature. She was generous with her words, her feelings, in reaching out and in caring for others. Even when she became ill, her instructions to me was to make sure everyone would be safe and healthy including my family, and in particular my nephew Michael and his three girls.
Even in passing, she gave us just enough time to accept and say goodbye. The time the family shared by her bedside strengthens us all. She passed gracefully, peacefully and with dignity. We will all miss her.
God Daughter, Ying

Mona Lim (Daughter in-laws)

Entered June 21, 2017 from Toronto

我係Mona, Diana的二妹, 周伯母親切地叫我做二姨,我也親切地叫她伯母。我認識伯母已經不多30年,伯母對我妹Angelina和我親切關懷,我地好似一家人。而家伯母安息主懷,多謝Mike、翠霞姐姐、同Diana俾我機會分享一下對伯母的懷念和回憶,相信這也是很多人的共鳴。
1. 我一稔就稔到伯母的熱情和友善,伯母見到認識的人固然是好親切,對唔認識的中國人或外國人佢都會打招呼,講聲Hi或good morning。
2. 伯母對佢喜歡的人有佢獨特打招呼的方式,佢會拉住我地的手,輕輕貼在佢自已的面上,呢種親切的握手法是伯母表達佢的愛的專用式。
3. 伯母又好喜歡祝福人,相信很多人都聽過佢對你講:“ 順利囉”,“平安啦”,“快樂又健康囉”
4. 每年農曆年初一大清早,我地一定接到伯母的恭喜電話,” 龍馬精神, 心想事成, 萬事勝意…”一連串的祝福為我地展開新的一年,收線前一定會講: “年年相見囉” 估唔到今後,我地只能夠話: “天家再見啦!”
5. 伯母好慷慨,最喜歡請人食全隻乳豬,見到人食得開心,佢就最開心。
6. 伯母又好好客,近年佢雖然行動不便,仍時時掛在口邊,要請呢個那個飲茶食飯,雖然心願未能達到,但如果你認識伯母,你就已經一定榜上有名。伯毋,我地心領啦!
7. 伯母熱愛家人,知道係溫哥華的女、女婿同孫會黎探佢,佢就會時時講住、數住日子。收到佢地的利是、生日卡同禮物,總會放係餐檯上,時時望住,遥遠的祝福佢地。
8. 伯母同Mike 之間有一份極美麗深厚的愛,見到伯母對Mike寒喧問暖,關懷鼓勵,而Mike對伯母亦無微不至,孝順回報,母子連心,實在令周圍的人羨慕感動。
9. 伯母最大的安慰是一家人齊齊全全係埋一齊,所以佢特別重視每年的生日晚飯,亦好喜歡一家人去飲茶。佢最開心就是時時見到Paul同Aaron, 佢最安樂就是每晚知道Paul同Aaron都平安番左屋企。
10. 伯母感恩知足,小小的事都會令佢好開心。每日Diana煮D佢鐘意的食物,佢就好滿足。我同我妹送佢一袋水果,佢一定數過、打電話黎多謝:” 二姨、四姨,一共有咁多個呀! 又大又甜,好好吃呢!” 佢的口頭憚是:” 你地個個咁敬奉我,我好歡喜呀!”
11. 伯母堅強而為人著想,只要自已能處理的事,總唔想麻煩人,佢時時話:” 麻煩人,點好意思呀。” 佢就係先為人想,再想自已。
12. 伯母的堅強因為佢倚靠上帝,深信祈禱的能力。佢每日都為兒女同孫,包括我妹同我,逐個提名禱告。
13. 在醫院病床上,我問伯母:” 你有乜嘢要祈求上帝呀?” 佢清楚回答:” 求上帝祝福我,一無掛慮。” 然後佢就背出佢最喜愛的經節: “應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。 神所賜出人意外的平安,必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。”( 腓4:6-7) 這一個禱告同這一段經文一直倍伴伯母走完佢人生最後的一段路,歸回佢所相信的上帝的懷抱,進入永恆的安息。
親愛的周伯母,多謝你,你的愛、熱誠、慷慨、感恩、知足、堅強、對上帝的信靠,都係我地的典範。我地知道你已經一無掛處,返回天家。我地知道你係天上會永遠的祝福我地:“ 順利囉”,“平安啦”,“快樂又健康囉” 我地又會記住「一無掛慮」、「凡事禱告感謝」,你放心啦。

Mona Lim (Daughter in-laws)

Entered June 21, 2017 from Toronto

My Tribute to Bak-Mo
I am Mona, Diana’s sister, Mike’s sister-in-law. I called Mike’s Mom affectionately as Bak-Mo, and she affectionately called me二姨. I had the privilege of knowing Bak-Mo as a close member of her extended family for almost 3 decades. Now that Bak-Mo is resting in eternal peace with God, it is my great honour to say a few words in loving memory of dear Bak-Mo. Perhaps, some of us may resonate with my sharing.
1. Everyone who knew Bak-Mo would remember her overflowing friendliness, an expression of the immense energy of love that was in her. She greeted everyone she met whether she knew them or not.
2. Many of us must have experienced her special way of greeting us. She loved to hold our hand and affectionately touched it on her face.
3. She always wished everyone well. Do you remember her saying to you “ 順利囉”, “平安啦”and “快樂又健康囉”? She constantly wanted to bless us with all her best wishes, safety and peace, and happiness and good health.
4. 1st thing on the very early morning of Chinese New Year, Bak-Mo would give us a wakeup call with all her heartfelt wishes, which we will dearly miss.
5. Bak-Mo was most generous. She loved treating people, and her most favourite treat was a whole suckling pig.
6. In recent years, even though she was not as mobile, she constantly thought of taking people out to dim sum or dinner. If you knew her, you can be assured that you were on her guest lists.
7. Bak-Mo was especially loving to her family. She so looked forward to the annual visit of her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren from Vancouver that she started counting down as soon as she knew the date of their arrival. Whenever they sent her lucky money, cards or gifts, she would place them on the dining table, thinking of the love behind the gifts and sending along her love and blessings.
8. Her beautiful mother-and-son bond with Mike always touched my heart deeply and it helped me understand of what love truly is and how it is received and returned.
9. Bak-Mo’s greatest joy is to see the whole family being together, especially at her birthday dinner. Her greatest satisfaction was seeing Paul and Aaron, and knowing that they had safely come home at night.
10. Bak-Mo was always grateful and appreciative for everything, even the smallest thing. She appreciated greatly and enjoyed the food Diana specially prepared for her daily. Whenever Angelina and I shared some fruit with her, she would count them and never miss giving us a call. “Wow, 二姨, 四姨 there are that many of them! So big and sweet!”She said this over and over to us, “All of you are so good to me. I can’t be happier.”
11. . She was always contented with what she had and tried not to cause any trouble for anybody. She always said, “I feel bad bothering people.” She took the burden on herself and tried to deal with her challenges without complaints.
12. Bak-Mo had a strong faith in God and firmly believed in prayers. Every day she never missed praying for everyone in the family, naming us one by one and trusting us into the hand of God.
13. When she was admitted to the hospital, I asked her what she would like God to do for her. She said, “Bless me that I will not be anxious about anything.” Then she recited her favourite verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:6-7). Bak-Mo repeated this prayer and Bible verse over and over again on the hospital bed until she passed on to eternal rest in God.
Thank you, Bak-Mo. Your love, generosity, gratefulness and trust in God will ever be our example. In our heart, we know you will forever be smiling in heaven and blessing each one of us. Don’t you worry, Bak-Mo! We will remember to pray and not be anxious about anything.
You rest in peace now, Bak-Mo. Enjoy the well-deserved joy i


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