In memory of

Wei Chin

September 2, 1955 -  July 31, 2021

On July 31st, 2021 Wei Chin, loving husband and caring father of two passed away peacefully in Toronto surrounded by love and family, age 65.

Wei was born in Shandong, China on September 2nd, 1955 and lived an eventful life. He joined the navy before finishing university and dental school in China. Wei immigrated to Canada in 1986 where he completed a Master’s degree in biophysics and then obtained a Canadian dentistry degree from the University of Toronto. He was the very first Mainland Chinese dentist to set up operations in Toronto and he was proud to represent his home country with his skill and vast expertise.

Wei was a uniquely kind man. His life’s ambition was to help others and with decades of aiding his dental patients he has made hundreds of lives better. Those who knew him well also recognize that Wei was always putting others before him, thinking about others first and always willing to lend a hand. Wei knew his friends and family were important and he loved the time he spent with them, seeing his normally stoic and quiet expression turn to laughter in the presence of loved ones would lighten everyone’s day.

Wei loved nature, he would spend hours tending the garden and would never hesitate to give friends vegetables he grew. He also enjoyed animals, over the years he has taken care of dogs, cats, turtles, fish, chickens, ducks and quails. When he had free time, he would be inside painting or practicing his traditional Chinese calligraphy. Wei enjoyed his life and leaves a legacy of kindness.

秦伟医生(Dr. Wei Chin) 因病经多方治疗无效,于 2021 年 7 月 31 日下午 17:00 点在多伦多家中去世,终年 65 岁。

秦伟医生原籍山东,生于 1955 年 9 月 2 日。他于 1977 年考入山东医学院口腔系(后改为山东医科大 学,山东大学齐鲁医学院)。1982 年毕业后在山东省 立医院口腔科担任医生。1986 年他来到加拿大萨省进 修,次年考取了多伦多大学的研究生,并获得科学硕 士学位。后来又考入多伦多大学牙医学院,并于 1995 年获得牙科博士学位及牙医执照。成为第一位在多伦 多开办牙医诊所的来自中国大陆的华人牙医。

秦伟医生在 30 多年的专业生涯中,以其精湛的医 术,良好的医德,亲切的态度,低调的个性而深受多伦多地区的病人及朋友的信任及喜爱。他为成千上万 名口腔疾病患者解除了病痛并提供了一流的保健服 务。

秦伟医生积极参加社区活动。他是山东大学多伦多校 友会的创会会长之一,并长期担任校友会的组织领导 工作。他为山大多伦多校友会的建立及发展做出了巨 大的贡献。秦伟医生也曾多次参加各种慈善活动,捐 款捐物以帮助社区,校友会,新移民及抗疫活动。 秦伟医生的逝世使我们失去了一位好医生,好朋友,好校友,好兄弟。

为便于各位朋友表达对秦伟医生的悼念,我们成立一 个“秦伟医生追思群”,有愿意参加的朋友可以扫码入 群。

秦伟医生的最后遗言:我一生未负任何人,唯一的愧 疚是未完成几位患者的治疗。


Please do not send any money to family members. Donations to the University Health Network on behalf of Wei Chin can be made through this link:
请不要寄钱给家人。可以通过此链接代表秦伟向 UHN 捐款:


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Isabel (Friend)

Entered August 1, 2021 from Hagersville

Dr. Chin was a great dentist, helped a lot of people during his life. My family appreciated him a lot for help.
Rest in Peace.

Jeff Qian (Friend and neighbor)

Entered August 1, 2021 from Toronto

My condolence to Dr Chin family.

Frank Hou (Friend)

Entered August 1, 2021 from 1725 16th Avenue, Richmond Hill

Please accept my deepest condolence and sorry for the loss of Dr. Chin!

宣缨, 赵双任 (挚友)

Entered August 1, 2021 from London ontario


李晶Crystal (Friends)

Entered August 1, 2021

Our deepest sympathies on your unfortunate dismiss of your father.


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